no, this is not the start of a new series on discodust. due to excessive slacking throughout the easter weekend and dreamhost having some problems they obviously don't want to reveal yet causing slowness and actual downtimes on my file server, i've missed quite a few posts. and as i am not really in the mood to make twenty-five dedicated posts right now, prepare for an exception to the 'focus on one artist per post' rule, here's a bunch of [HIGHLY REC'D] remixes that i have almost missed out on.
so here we go with some new remixes by hot pink delorean, le castle vania and flosstradamus, reworks of songs by hail social, kill the noise and heartsrevolution (pictured above). get them all right now:
hail social - no paradise (hot pink delorean remix)
kill the noise - hey you (le castle vania remix)
heartsrevolution - cyoa (flosstradamus remix)
and as i am busy with 'backfilling' anyway, here are some of the most recent remixes by discodust favorites miami horror, moulinex and symbolone. they have been on the blogs for a while but every single one of them is awesome:
datarock - fafafa (miami horror remix)
symbolone - love juice (moulinex remix)
nid & sancy - m.u.s.i.c. (symbolone remix)
enjoy these tracks if you didn't pick them up somewhere else and let's just hope my server stays up and finally lets me do my job again - on with some freshness!
i've got three words for you: mega!
i love datarock. i love miami horror. but um, sometimes two great things should never meet. that is a horrible remix. i was just robbed five minutes of my life, arg. where is the energy? where is the love? awful. might be good as an instrumental, but yeah no thanks.
travis: i am sorry. haha. well, that was my revenge for new rave kids and werewolf something! :)
no, actually i dig the miami horror remix.
seriously dude, you're fucking amazing. new miami horror and moulinex!!! i'll sit through 10 toxic avenger posts for every one of these posts :)
brian: haha. glad you dig.
but what's with all you guys hating tonight?
the miammi horror mix is unreal as is anything by hot pink delorean and finally have a 320 of moulinex...thanks you <3
ah yeah, i didn't expect anyone reading us to like vverevvolf grehv. but it is an interesting footnote.
new rave kids, bah -- it's bizarre inc! c'mon you can't go wrong there.
actually i like when the fa fa fas are all quiet and echoe-y. that works. but there's something with those vocals and mh that just doesn't work for me. and maybe i'm just super defensive because seriously fa fa fa is in my top five favorite songs of all time.
Datarock is golden showers! but: Miamis mix would do just fine without them
How could I download these quicktime files?
I love the new Miami Horror Mix!! haha, however the vocals actually bring the music down a bit if anything! I dont think the mix could have more energy or love?
maybe i should try and ask ben for a dub version then!
Yes a version with just fa fa fa being dubbed and no other lyrics would be great :)
Cuz the other lyrics doesn't match the instrument melody
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