australian producer duo aston shuffle go by the names of mikah and vance and when i first heard their bootleg remix of the cosmos (tom middleton) classic 'take me with you' over at our friends fluokids, i was totally blasted away. i love how they chopped it up, made it a lot more banging and yet managed to keep the beautiful vibe of the original anyway. been listening to this on repeat everywhere i go ever since the weekend, so it is about time i post it on here.
cosmos - take me with you (aston shuffle bootleg)
then i went on and did some research on aston shuffle, coming across their single 'for everyone' and the remix by uk (fidget) house producers stupid fresh who combined the retro synths and vocoders (yeah!) of the original with a percussion-heavy shuffled fidget groove and deep bass, making it a perfect track for a style switch in your set.
aston shuffle - for everyone (stupid fresh remix)
and to make up for the fact that 'for everyone' was released last year and i am only giving it to you now, here is a brandnew remix by aston shuffle in a wonky breaks-influenced electro house vibe. some of the vocals from the original tune by fellow australian outfit nu coalition are not really my style and the harmonica doesn't make it easier for me but it's quality nonetheless and i am sure some of you guys will appreciate this!
nu coalition - born for the nightlife (aston shuffle remix)
show aston shuffle some myspace love!
Take me with you mix is AWESOME!
As are the rest, but ^^^ definitely stands out.
Thanks for sharing awesome tuneage!
I saw those guys live in Brisbane, together with Kissy Sell Out. Their Set was a real banger.
hey fellas
i really love your blog, but i read it via feed, i've noticed that MP3 RSS links are not clickable.
Is there any option to change it? Would be lotta useful to me.
Can you help me out?
the stupid fresh remix is fantastic - i like it more than the malente version. thanks once again aleks, i don't always agree but your good taste in music is undeniable.
Harmonica in a tune fucking genius!
Not a huge shuffle fan either but love that track! However the reason I'm here is to say thanks, thanks for all your tunes throughout this year!. It's not fair that a non Aussie blog get's all the love first but hey.. I guess you've worked hard for it, in which case hats off.
Anyway just wanted to point out that there's a bangin festival in Perth (and Australia) at the moment, Parklife. If you haven't seen the line up already then have a geeza!
Yes this is some gay attempt for you to look at my blog, which yes is probably like every other cocks blog. But you have to start somewhere right?
take me with you is probably the best track of the month!
thank u!
Thanks for the bangin' tunes! All of us at Ghetto House Radio & our listeners love Aston Shuffle! Keep them coming!
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