while some people are saying that chicago's club scene is relatively dead, i keep hearing more and more good music blowing out of the windy city. this time, it was love concept that breezed by.
love concept - windy city television
this next one wins because it sounds like the closing song in an epic john hughes film. can you see camera pan to the camero with the flock of seagulls haircut, leaning against it in tweed cuffed pants and a pastel button-up casting his dreamy stare at the female lead. then they embark on a vocal duet and the credits roll.
love concept - time enough for love
love concept are currently working on polishing their live act to hit the road. can't wait to hear what comes out of these guys in the near future. three cheers for unsigned acts!!
These guys are really good.
these beats are correct.
another chicago artist you might want to check out is Party Time 2000.
Song windy city television: this is a cover of a song in the 80s (maybe 1984 or 1983), only the voice is changed (original band sang in italian or spanish). Does anyone remember this song? I'd Like to find it because it was so great!
How is Chicago's club scene dead exactly?
Tell'um Bald Eagle! I live for Life During Wartime parties!
These songs are mixed terribly! Also, Chicago club scene is still alive and well :)
group sounds good..send us the raw file for a remix....chicago love...
sun ones
Greg Haus is @ Berlin every Friday here in Chicago - and he is one of my fav dj's ever. so much talent in this lovely city of ours. whoever has been saying it's dead must be pretty boring themselves.
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