ain't nothing stopping crookers. their remix for kid cudi finally got picked up by the sleepyheads in the industry after they discovered this crazy new thing called fidget-house. in the meantime, crookers are already busy on pushing their sound further and this remix for 'boom da' by mixhell featuring jen lasher and oh snap!! will definitely bring some booty shaking galore to the floors! check it out right here!
mixhell - boom da (crookers remix)
the full release is available on vinyl now from our friends at new judas, also featuring remixes by edu k and les petits pilous. juno is waiting for your order!
Does anyone else think that Crookers are progressively getting worse? Pretty disappointed!
@jack yep! definitely!
i agree with that sentiment.
this track isn't bad at all, also EPistola is one of my favorite Crookers releases to date
did anyone else think the Day n Nite remix was overrated? terrible to me, that dame loud out of place BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ in the hook :shiver:
Foghorn is the new airhorn?!??!
This post officially marks the death of discodust.
Nothing they make sounds fun anymore. They've been surpassed by plenty of imitators, which happens. Oh well!
imitators like who?
I'd guess maybe... Bloody Beetroots?
beetroots & crookers are friends and i don't see any of them imitating each other?
Everyone's hatin' on this. I don't hate it, but def. not lovin it. Oh well!
yeah, let the backlash begin ...
agreed: this surely isn't one of their most groundbreaking works to date. but I guess that doesn't really matter here. because even if it would have been, haters still would be hating it - hey, these guys are actually selling records these days, how dare they?
and that hilarious beetroots comparison simply made my day.
yeh come on, calling beetroots immitators of crookers is like calling sinden an immitator of herve. I do think as of late crookers sound is getting dried up or dull. but i dunno if id call this their finish. everytime i listen to their older stuff - protect and entertain rmx, love to edit, even their wow chem bros remix (hold on, none of these are really that old!) i cant helop but think they definitely have the skill to come back. everyone has a creative dry spot. at least they are trying to find a new sound insted of staying with the old one. it aint gunna be instantly fresh give em a chance.
Jack, gotta agree mate!
the U2 thing is shameful and if the britney thing is them it seems to me someones been bitten by the monet grabbing bug, no?
Although all that a side Proxy "raven" remix is pure main room banging class!!!
One of my friend is friend with Crookers haha (they had her video on their page in 2007-2008)
I've never liked them, bangers electro is not my cup of tea, and this song seams like a waste of space ugh
However, Cecile, from the same city of Crookers, is doing quite better
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