maybe some of you were wondering who jakwob is when they saw his remix of 'starry eyed' by ellie goulding way up high on the grindin may charts. actually i don't really know either but at least i know that he is uk-based, seems to be really productive and already had his tracks played on the radio shows that matter, meaning he got plays by annie mac and jaymo & andy george.
time for you to get to know him better now, as his 'starry eyed' remix is finally good to go and just like our friends over at neon gold are pointing out, this should definitely be the next big dubstep-flavoured hit after skream versus la roux, nero versus the streets and caspa versus deadmau5. and if you are missing an actual description of the track, just one word: fierce!
ellie goulding - starry eyed (jakwob remix)
show jakwob and ellie goulding some myspace love. shouts to neon gold for making this happen and if you missed our previous post on ellie goulding, you can find it right here.
Yo Aleks, sorry just a bit dissapointed to see this track up. It may get plays by the annie mac's and andy george's but it's actually pretty poor. Another bedroom producer wacking a great womping sub bass over what is originally an amzing piece of songwriting and singing.
It may well be the next 'La Roux + Skream' track which was kind of pioneering this whole corssover of dub and wonderous female vocals but i don't feel it does the original justice.
maybe a case of pleasing the majority with a big dubstep remix!?
Completley agree with Copper tallis. Just some louder bass and louder drums over the original track.
Hardly a remix..?!
Totally agree with copper and Trevor, I was throuroghly dissapointed after becoming a fan since your last post on Ellie, just added bass and no real reason.
Oh well!
if "just adding bass" gets the artist + original track more exposure then that can surely only be a good thing? you might be missing the point.
I think its simple but effective. A young producer who is doing more than ripping off his peers is a breath of fresh air (how many shit herve & fake blood rips offs are there thesedays!!!).... its a a fresh sound & from looking at his Myspace I'll def be keepin an eye on Jacwob...
Cut the guy some slack this track is amazing. Theirs people who like dub step because its the latest craze and there's some who just purely enjoy it but you know whats an even bigger craze...not following the craze because its the craze. So what if hes using some sub bass and big drums he still does this track a whole lot of justice! Now get over yourself and enjoy music for what it is not because its popular or unpopular. Copper Tallis its a blog for gods sake he isn't going to put music up for the minority is he...that would be a complete waste of his time.
As long as Aleks posts music that's good no matter the genre that's fine by me and i will back him when people like you come along.I mean if it weren't for this blog how many great tracks would you have not heard, too many to count i would have thought! You guys need to stop hating tracks because there a certain genre and just listen and enjoy it for what it is!
"You guys need to stop hating tracks because there a certain genre and just listen and enjoy it for what it is!"
yeah, that's it.
I don't agree with "whatever" saying that if adding bass and stuff gives the original track more exposure then its fine... its not. Its clear that Ellie Goulding is getting a lot of attention at the moment with starry-eyed and doesn't really need the extra exposure coming from a remix, instead the original song should be listened to more because its gooooood! Giving a song more exposure using a remix that isn't necessarily as good as the original track is like organic salad sold in a macdonalds burger box. It might not get the right attention. just saying...
Yo Stpehen, i agree with you it is simple and effective but maybe thats the point. It just seems like little effort went into it and has hindered the original track.
in regards to Audio Dropout, this track is not amazing. The orignal is. I'm a big fan of music and will not shun anything because it is unpopular or popular and this is not a case of 'trying to look cool by dismissing a dub remix.' I try to recognise intelligent producers/singers/songwriters and therefore love the original. I just got the feeling that the remix has lessened it's value somewhat.
Blogs are here to create discussion, spark debate, and introduce people to stuff they've never heard of. I am a big supporter of Aleks and Discodust and they do a great job, i'm just offering my opinion to make you consider a different angle.
I get what your saying copper tallis! i think it all depends on music taste and that these two remixs appeal to 2 different audiences.Personally i think there both good and although its simple sometimes simplicity is one of the ways to make yours songs sound good,take the skream remix of la roux fro instance its not very technical or complicated but it sure does delive.There are plenty of songs i can name that are simple but great.But its a fair point that you've highlighted Copper and were all entighteled to are own opinion ;)
This post just makes me wish Miss Goulding would put out some more material!
How could anybody not like this? This is face-meltingly brilliant.
I love disco dust, and I also love some dub here and there, but its a shame to see such a 'remix' getting attention when there are plenty of struggling remixers that are doing some amazing mixes, and actually completley scrapping the original track and writing a whole new one around the vocal part. I see these as real remixes and it's a shame that recently people are getting away with using so many of the original parts and not bothering to play around/experiment with their own ideas. This is a fine example, I can hear synth/instrument parts from the original clearly in this mix, and (dare I say it) it seems that all Jakwob has done is taken the original mp3 and moved the structure around and literally just put some more sub bass on it (as mentioned by Trevor). I could be completley wrong and he may have written the parts himself but it sounds far too similar. This is one of those remixes that is a poor edit of the original.
I suggest you all stick to the original track, it seems that Ellie Goulding is getting alot of hype and her work with Starsmith on her more recent work (starry eyed included) has gained her alot of notoriety and hopefully she'll kick it off and blow La Roux and Little Boots out of the water!
Sorry for the essay, just thought i'd air my view..
I am friends with Starsmith and he told me that actually it is the mp3 with stuff over it so Nick you are right and I kind of agree with you... the original track is unbeatable at the moment- its barely had time to hit the clubs its self! Had to say something here...
jakwob is the future. killin it all day all night puttin the donk on it. some say the heir to mozarts throne. i aint gonna go that far...but hes close! kinda like lebron to kobe. lakers 09 champions represent.
That latest post is blatantly jakwob or one of his friends hahahhahhaha
Okay then Copper Tallis, why dont you post a better remix on your blog... hopefully you can find one with a more intricate angle of attack...
Obviously Nick Rowe has never remixed a track before.......
seriously how would he remove the drums of the original and put his own beat on it and if im not mistaken theres vocals without the the synth in the background overlaying the bassline which means he hasn't just done it with the original mp3 and if he has FUCK ME he must have had hard time doing it also there at completely different BPM (its a dub step remix so i suspect it'll be around 140BPM). And anyway its Called a RE-MIX meaning it has been mixed again so even if it was just moving the parts about its still a remix. Before you make a comment like that you should at least get some background on producing or remixing! If you actually heard this in a club i bet it send the crowd wild! Your wrong when you say its bad both nick crowe and copper tallis otherwise how would it have got so much attention from so many producers and blogs. Wake UP Guys im in full agreement with Aleks and what Audio Dropout had to say!
In my opinion....
who cares about the technical aspects... lets boil it down to what matters. For the listener what does it offer. For me a remix that works offers a new element to it, the remix is not terrible, just predictible and so defeats the point of editing it in the first place. A remix doesnt have to better the original just offer a different angle but although this is what Jakwob intended, its too easy to take the 'whack some bass on it and hope for the best policy'.
Thats just my opinion I hope for a bit more intelligence when remixing.
no shit, i've never seen so much criticism about a track that's simply just 'fire'.
the point of remixing is not 'making something new', the point of making music in general is not 'making something new', how many dance tracks would you get for your sets in a year if anything would have to be ALL NEW?
jakwob did what he had to do, what he did can set the floor ablaze and he used a lot of the original cause the original is damn good.
seriously. i am really wondering why so many people here always have to be like 'oh this and that was better'. i love both tracks and both serve their purposes very well.
everyone's entitled to have their opinion, for sure. but why not head over to the post where the original was posted and write some praise there? haven't seen Y'ALL comment there.
why is it so hard to say 'I LOVE THIS' and so easy to say 'I HATE THIS'?
Maybe I should comment on this seeing as its my song?!
maybe :).
come on haters, if you don't like it move along. Personally I've been stoked about this remix for almost a month now. Ellie's original is awesome and jakwob made it as awesome in a different way. that's really where it ends for me. no need to get too technical here - enjoy it for what it is!
" a comment "
Personally I feel that the track was fantastic already and Jakwob totally utilized it!
Praise from Lincoln for his talents are never ending!
I don't think this track is that bad. Give this guy time and he can become a very very good producer. I don't think he's got his levels completely right on this but it sounds good regardless.
Hey DiscoDust! Just wanted to say I really like you introducing all those mixes to me (and others too:P).
A lot of them are really awesome!!
My band, Mammút, has a new remix of one of our songs on myspace.
Cheers, Arnar
Online Publicity: Ariel Publicity
Very Nice! is he an indian?
Straight up, the original is my favorite song of the year. Yes, Jakwob did create this over the original mp3 without actually having the parts at his disposal and yes, Ellie and Starsmith absolutely deserve all the credit in the world for laying the foundation on the amazing original, but Jakwob has delivered a very simple, yet highly effective re-edit or interpretation or whatever you want to call it here and that absolutely needs to be appreciated as well.
Wow he actually did it over the original!!? ive got more respect for the guy than i had before because it must have been a hard job doing it.
"ive got more respect for the guy than i had before because it must have been a hard job doing it."
How is stealing parts harder than doing it yourself?
haters, can suck my brown shiny yet hairy ball sack! thanks for clearing that up starsmith! haha
All i can say is, especially to Felix, if gaining exposure by the remix is such a bad thing how come la roux's not kicking up a fuss? The Skream remix has definitely got a good thing going for it and has helped the song to be recognized a hell of a lot more. Jakwob didn't do this song to play off Ellie's talents im pretty sure, just like Skream didn't remix la roux's song for those reasons. I think you're hating for the sake of hating, get over it. I think its brilliant, not genius but it makes me move and thats all i care about when im dancing. Peace.
you are a bloody genius
last time i checked there were no "rules" to remixing...maybe other than trying to put out an awesome track.
I'm out.
Obviously Nick Rowe has never remixed a track before......."
> Obviously Crux has never used a piece of music software before...
If you'd listened to the original you'd realise it's exactly the same tempo but the drums are half time. Very complicated stuff. Furthermore, if the tempo was changed it's not 'rocket science' to operate a groove and pitch machine! Moron.
I can't deny there's some really good stuff going on in the track but Jakwob is using the entire Starsmith arrangement so it's a total rip off of Ellie and Starsmith's work. I totally agree with Tallis - just another addition to an already saturated market.
From what I gather, Jakwob and Goulding are friends, or at least acquaintances, so why hasn't he just asked for the original stems so he can actually challenge himself and potentially make an exciting and new piece of music.
i enjoyed it...
i don't think the production on the original adds anything anyway. props to the remixer for doing something interesting with it rather than just stabbing at bland 'electro' pop with messed up vocals
OMG you guys are still arguieng about this track!!! its a good remix even if it is almost the same to the orginal, jakwob adds the killer bassline that makes this track even better because it gives a little extra kick to it! And btw this is far from a saturated market..... i mean how many dubstep tracks do you hear that sound like this!?
the beats are off the scale! all are okay! I agree some of the comments that are criticizing the sound and the beat! but the music and artist great! love beat and all!
pah, i don't know. probably all of them.
The track is incredible, summer vibes all over with a solid groove, some nice synths and a great wobble. The original track isn't dissimilar but differs enough to justify this as a very good remix. You don't need a complete reworking to justify a remix. Now all of you shut the fuck up and enjoy what happens to be a brilliant track.
A remix doesn't always necessitate a complete rework - that's bollocks. Some of the best remixes ever are really simple, and just add a little something...I'd like to hear Copper Tallis produce something better instead of slagging off this mix...
This sounds amazing on big speakers.
it's one of the remixes of the year.
it's fucking genius.
haters need to get some perspective.
I think you should just all listen to Toto- 'I won't hold you back'
that's better than anything
If I remix Toto will everyone start yelling at me too?
Get some life dudes. Really.
Music is way too complex too say "I dont like this or that at all" thats bullshit.
And why do you keep hatin people who
a- you have never seen in real life
b- work so hard for you to wide your horizon when it comes to music?
Write a blog on your own and post as much as Toats and Alex do, keep it updated all the time and put your loe in it and we will see how long youll do it...
wow, people on the internet are s00000 touchy sometimes.. all I know if that this song is a certified melodic, bassy 'banger' of sorts, and I likes it, whamp.
Wow, 54 comments!
If only my blog got that many.
haters gon' hate
ellie goulding gon' push on throughout the difficulty
also though aleks, i think you're taking things a bit too personally. the internet has been created for anonymous shit talking without consequence, and that's what it's used for. if you're looking for praise for your music taste, look to friends and people in real life. you get lots of hits, so don't sweat it when people disagree- you're not "obsolete" if people voice their concern over the way music is being made.
Woaw, I didn't come here since 2 weeks, so much work on the wine shop.
but I can't pass thrue that, 55 comments ^^ he he !!!
ah ah discodust is magic !!!
Haters ... that's funny because you are so mad here but you all are on myspace and I never saw someone who has guts to speak like that, excepted some :
Yeah great sound !!!
thanks for the Add !!!!!!!
ellie turns me on
oh snap YOU HEARD IT!
discodust, where are you?
yeah how about a new post..
some new foamo stuff would be nice :)
Dunno what a lot of you are talking about; it's a great remix because - and only because - it sounds good. Thankfully it doesn't add too much to the great original, and it just works well.
Nice work guys, keep it up! :D
"the point of remixing is not 'making something new', the point of making music in general is not 'making something new'" ~aleks
i can't believe he has a music blog
yeah, gasp! and one of the best music blogs in the world even!
"yeah, gasp! and one of the best music blogs in the world even!" ~aleks
I just thought I'd post a comment to add to the sheer ridiculousness of the thread.
saying "i have one of the greatest music blogs in the world" is like saying "i sometimes hold the door open for famous people as they're leaving their hotel rooms.... and i'm the best in the world at it!"
you're a blogger. you arrange pictures, images and mp3s into a pre-arranged internet format. get over yaself!
All these hatin posts reminds me of U-N-I's verse from Troublemakers remix of Peter Bjorn & John's ill track, 'Nothing to Worry About'...
'haters only hate when you're doing something'.
Keep it up Aleks, you're the first blog I ever read (my friend Fantastadon turned me onto you) and Ive seen about three generations of great blogs come and go in the two years Ive been readin DD, and you're posts still lead the pack when they come up.
I think so.. but to remain one of the best requires updates. :)
i second that
oh god, "one of the best music blogs in the world"
Alex you are such a douche.
'The radio shows that matter'
Radio shows that play pop and dance music dont matter... That is the whole point...
Ok if Alex is dead or something (hopes not!) then I'll have to take over. My blog is always open if you want to stop on by guys.
come back discodust :(
"saying "i have one of the greatest music blogs in the world" is like saying "i sometimes hold the door open for famous people as they're leaving their hotel rooms.... and i'm the best in the world at it!"
you're a blogger. you arrange pictures, images and mp3s into a pre-arranged internet format. get over yaself!"
seems like you didn't get the sarcasm. (and obviously you seem to be kinda obsessed with that guy who is just a blogger, reading 50+ comments and spending your time on writing pointless bullshit.)
"Alex you are such a douche.
'The radio shows that matter'
Radio shows that play pop and dance music dont matter... That is the whole point..."
but your opinion matters, eh?
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