joe and will ask? are definitely discodust regulars by now and they just keep getting better and better while staying true to their techno-rooted sound. now they just dropped their first full original vocal track 'fabric of win', which turned out electro-house flavoured and catchy as hell with the wonderful voice of saint saviour (pictured above), reminiscent of fever ray when she was still fun to dance to. get a taste of the goodness with the radio edit of 'fabric of win' right here!
joe and will ask? featuring saintsaviour - fabric of win (radio edit)
note that the mp3 previously floating around on some other blogs had a minor glitch, so in case you already downloaded it elsewhere, you might want to get this proper one. the complete single with the original, alternative and instrumental versions of the song is up for sale on beatport now.
besides working on original songs, joe and will ask? are still very in-demand remixers, so after they recently reworked la roux and little boots, their remix for well-established german producer sharam jey is good to post now as well, celebrating the release of the video to his latest single 'in my blood'.
sharam jey & nik valentino - in my blood (joe and will ask? remix)
sharam jey & nik valentino - in my blood (video on youtube)
show saint saviour as well as joe and will ask? some myspace love and if you like what you hear, buy 'fabric of win' on beatport now.
well worth getting the original mix
hahah, there's no glitch in the the other radio edits floating around.. that's just bullshit
franki, the previous mp3 had a glitch around 01:34.
you are welcome to compare these mps3 currently up at datasapiens, funkism and noiseporn with our version.
that's what she said.
leave aleks alone ;)
This is an addictive track. Brilliant.
this is a cracking tune.
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