i've been following michael cassette since their sudden skyrocket to fame in september '08. debuting with their 2 track EP 'shadows movement'/'fox and a shooting star' on anjunadeep, it didn't take long before they left a gaping crater in the still evolving progressive house/trance crossover scene with early support from major players like deadmau5.
michael cassette was born around a dinner table at an evening event in '06 - the name is a guise for komytea (erkka lempiäinen & matti heininen) and an unnamed friend. the unnamed friend chooses to stay out of the public eye and presumes the name 'michael' while he retains his anonymity for personal reasons. but like erkka told me, he is the spiritual innovator of the project. he composes most of the tracks and sings the vocal lines while the other two refine and produce the track. their philosophy is to combine the spirit and aesthetics of early electronic music with today's slamming club sound.
michael cassette is offering to the music gods an unreleased & exclusive track (get used to hearing that more often again on here from now on) named 'moonlight runner' in full 320kbps for your listening pleasure. coming from the progressive house scene myself, this is very exciting news to introduce an act like this on discodust. 'moonlight runner' is fully equipped with all the elements of epic, from bells to bass. think 80s infused vibe with a big room production.
michael cassette - moonlight runner
presented with 'moonlight runner' is a special edit of their smashing single 'shadows movement' - a song which conquered many dancefloors and ipods across the world within the past two years.
michael cassette - shadows movement (radio edit)
michael cassette is slated to release a full-length album this coming january, so keep an eye out and get friendly with them on myspace. i also urge you to check out the full length of 'shadows movement' on beatport here. for the price of a pony ride in the mall, you can own a piece of history.
(edit by aleks: i bet these guys are lifelike's secret favorite band. thanks to leon for another top-notch post.)
really, REALLY good stuff.
Good shit digging this up leon.
bring out the peanut butter cuz this is the jam
aah yea this is the bidness.
zepplin is the most inspiring song ever created
btw. it was Zeppelin / David which was the debute release on AnjunaDeep :)
Remember to check Michael Cassettes new remix of Egibe Abenda - Umbaio!
oh. MY god.
i may be one of the biggest Michael Cassette fanboys and I LOVE this tune.
some of their recent work hasn't been on Shadows Movement levels, but this totally redeems them (not that they were ever "bad," that is.)
btw. it was Zeppelin / David which was the debute release on AnjunaDeep :)
^^ THANK YOU!! ;)
i was thinking the same thing...
DAKOTA - ROXY 84 (MC REMIX) FTW #1!!!!!!!!!!!!
forgive me, now will you enjoy the damn music
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