i doubt my friend moulinex needs any introduction on discodust at all, so i am getting straight to the point: here is a brandnew official remix he did for 'lights & music', the latest single by cut copy. even though it didn't make it on to the final release, i am sure you will all love it, just as much as everyone enjoyed his earlier works - once again, he stays true to his original chainsaw and candy style. enough words, get it right here:
cut copy - lights & music (moulinex remix)
as an additional bonus, here is another very recent remix by moulinex which is a little harder but still maintains his trademark sound, for turboweekend from denmark:
turboweekend - my name is legion (moulinex remix)
watch out for upcoming moulinex remixes for kap10kurt, symbolone, ben mono and pony pony run run.
awesome thanks!
I eagerly await every news and releases from moulinex... his libera la femme vol. II mixtape is still unbeaten.
Thanks great post.moulinex is whopper!
so sick! moulinex 4 lyf!
Is his real name is " SEB " ?
jesus cristo está em portugal.
moulinex for the win.
by far better than boys noize and superdiscount ones!!!
Link is broken now :-(
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