every month i am buying almost all music magazines that are coming out here in germany and spend a fair amount of time in bed reading them, ending up checking out tons of random music and usually being disappointed by almost everything because these guys obviously just seem to live in another world. this time it was a bit different though, as i read about the sound of arrows and that lead me to one of the catchiest pop style songs i came across in ages: 'danger!'.
their myspace page says they are from 'pop heaven' and judging by their sound, the go! team must be up there with them too, complete with a whole arsenal of flutes, bells, vintage breaks records, distortion pedals and every other piece of gear you can imagine. here's your ticket:
the sound of arrows - danger!
and if that wasn't good enough already, a person named mr. pedro got busy on a remix of 'danger!' that sounds like having pet shop boys on the percussions while anoraak and fred falke are hammering on the vintage synthesizers. so so good:
the sound of arrows - danger! (mr. pedro remix)
full disclosure: actually the sound of arrows are from sweden and you can buy their ep with 9 tracks of greatness straight from their label labrador, so go for it already!
(and oh, on a sidenote: after i was surprised to read about a good band in a german magazine, i noticed that the headline was 'good music from the blogs'. yeah, where else would they have found it?)
that mr. pedro remix is on point. very cool.
blogs r so cool
Your on point with your sadness about the magazines. I looked thru MixMag the other day and it was rubbish. They definitely don't have their finger on the pulse like the blogs do. Times change. Eventually the work that you and others like you do will catch on and be exploited as it is brought into the mainstream. Wait till everyone finally gets the Valerie craze. You will hear the Crystal Method doing a New Wave album.
holy crap . i know these guys, just happened to be checking out the blog and bam there are some friends from sweden in there. stefan is the sweetest dude in the world and he has an amazing ear. this wont be the last you hear of them.
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