"fear and loathing in these angles
i tripped on cancer for
a scorpion's dying wish
golden papers littered the stained-glass kitchen floor
while low frequencies of qur'an insulated our eyes
from the fluorescent crystal sunset
flooding the middle eye
a swollen blue light
suddenly fractured by echoes
rippling through wallpaper and window blinds
mt. australia and pink, felt-tip mysteries in iran
only fear and loathing in these angels."
p e a c e fire - baghdad rainbow
p e a c e fire - into the freedom
music, calligraphy and lyrics by p e a c e fire. (and these tracks feature some of the best synth work and epic melodies i have heard in ages. i think i am in love.)
It was Since "Love Juice" that i haven't heard such epic melodies like this. Baghdad Rainbow is priceless. These guys definitely deserves an album
hahaha...thats how you create your nonplusultra good kind of taste you pathetic looser
anonymous: just because i delete your comments saying nothing but 'boooooooooring'?
schade, dass blogger keine ips tracked und cookies verteilt, sonst wüsste ich wenigstens welcher vollidiot hier immer rumnervt :(.
'nonplusultra' + 'looser' = eindeutige hinweise auf hässliche deutsche :(.
love. ohhhh so love.
this guy seriously made me cry-absolutely awesome-really
(and word to aleks' comment:)
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