when saints go machine is the name, denmark is the country. there's not much more you find out when you roam the net for stories about the electronic pop group from copenhagen. when saints go machine are more about attributes, which most of the time are something like fabulous, futuristic, fresh and fast forward. there might be some more, but i am not that much into danish, hence the only thing i remember is 'kompetent'.
anyhow, there have been some significant collaborations with musicians i really like: zombie disco squad, our beloved moulinex and now siriusmo, one of the most gifted folks from my hometown berlin. the latter is what we've got for you today. as a bonus there's one more track from their forthcoming ep. enjoy danish understatement in pop music.
when saints go machine featuring siriusmo - sell me your exit
when saints go machine - sell me your exit
more information can be found on the danes' myspace, where you should show them some nordic warmth.
Truly impressive! Pale is awesome! it has the deepness of the best depeche mode, butit's too sweet to be related to their sound..maybe they sounds a bit like Phonique :)
well, doesn't matter, they produced a wonderful song!
thx for letting me know them!
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