look what we've got here! new hotness delivered from rob aka redial from sydney, australia! several of you might remember our earlier post about him that made quite a noise in the blogosphere... but don’t worry, this time i'm not gonna compare him to anyone. i wouldn't even need to. the progress he made is so obviously hearable that even some of the last time haters should be getting retuned by those heroical melodies. can't deny these are bangers!
his next ep will be available on beatport soon. and in case you missed the first one you can still get that one right there as well. but watch out for even more to come since he has many more tracks up his sleeve. he's also planning a little european tour for early next year and i'm definitely looking forward to seeing this guy live!
redial - revolver
redial - valve
and if you haven't yet, spend some time on his myspace and impart your sympathy by adding him!
was that sample in "revolver" taken from just a band's new track "burn it out"? hm
As a Chicago native, I love the fact that his promo picture features him with part of the Chicago skyline in the background.
i hope no one hates on him .
again his tracks are quality at times repetative but top tracks.
The yeah is from burn it out all cleared of course.
Awesome tracks....I just really wish someone would talk about how this compares to Kavinsky ;)
Is there a problem with my computer because before yesterday I was downloading tracks via itunes and now I have to do it via this damn Quicktime player?
hi tunes: yeah there's a problem with your computer then.
quality production again. a bit of an homage artist (moreso danger this time) but i cant deny im nodding my head to it. still needs more of a distinct personality but closer this time for sure.
nothing special. but good production, lacks originality, should not have sampled burn it out so soon.
this kid is good!
too bad people hate so much, because this guy sounds really good too me. i prefer "revolver" (the other tune has too much distortion & compression going on & is a bit too danger for my taste).
keep at it, man. kavinsky gets a lot of hate too, but there's enough love out there to drown them out.
should see him play live.
never heard this guy before tonight, but really irritating that he's hated on for getting comparisons.
it's absolutely ridiculous to say that kavinsky or valerie or braxe or lifelike or whoever has a "hold" on an entire decade of music. none of these guys are completely original in any way. some of college's music sounds a lot like lifelike's. some of lifelike's work (the cult EP in particular) is clearly inspired by early braxe/falke stuff. the outrunners sound like kris menace at times. who cares?
bottom line, it all works as music, it all references a great time period, and you can enjoy it if you like it. why people dedicate time to hating music is beyond me. go listen to something you like.
Look you can't fault this dude on production, its all tight and very clean, lots of effort put into the songs. Its just that the songs are full of electronic music cliches, and the only good bits are when he does something you didn't expect. The main synth bass in "Valve" with a high LFO rate is what im talking about. Cool sounding synth, and it sounds like its tracked to kbd so that as it gets lower, the lfo rate gets slower and I struggle to think of a similar song where this same technique has been utilised so well. The Synthy Keytar solo is an aspect which I dont really care for, but Valve seems to be a big step forward to me. Didn't like any of his tracks from the last post but Valve sounds like a step in the right direction and from how deliciously clean the production is, I can only hope you (if you are reading this) keep heading down a more interesting road.
it sounds good cause he has ripped off burn it out.
clean production though.
hey, a several day ago y was downloading tracks from this blog by just clicking on the link, now the browser is taking me to a quicktime player and worst! i cant download the track! can someone answer me? :(
right click, save as.
as kspex stated,
come see him play live :)
this isn't any more derivative than anything else in the scene right now, moreover, this is hot shit, keep em coming Redial (and Discodust)
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