freak you is a 26-year old producer from the french riviera who runs his own wine restaurant but more importantly for us, also writes some of the best music i have heard this entire year. my beloved co-editor philip gave me the hint to check freak you out and sent me his selfmade rip of 'torn over' and damn, i was nothing but stunned and blown away. 'torn over' sounds like floating in outer space, the end of the world as in the apocalypse and the (first) love of your life all at once. but hear for yourself!
freak you - torn over
serge gainsbourg, pink floyd, led zeppelin, boards of canada and vitalic are some of freak you's rather eclectic influences and when you listen closely, you can hear a bit of all of them in his work.
besides 'torn away', there is also freak you's latest masterpiece called 'from nowhere', maintaining a similar vibe as 'torn over' but all in all seeming a bit more eerie, further out of space. and as good artists always seem to find a way to each other, worship (who was just featured on discodust two weeks ago) made a great uplifting remix of 'from nowhere' that is of course up for grabs on here as well.
freak you - from nowhere
freak you - from nowhere (worship remix)
watch out for more from freak you, his releases on french label on the fruit and don't forget worship either!
I dig it discodust will allways suprise me.
Worship remix > dope
Torn over is great
love the Oldschool ....
freaking good XD
Hi Aleks ^^
I put Torn over on my player !!!
that's smell drugs and Synth music !!
love from nowhere one
this stuff is incredibly generic (haven't listened to the rmx yet). it just doesn't do it for me, anyone with a DAW could make these tracks
post more Redial plz.
haha. generic. please!
anyone has a kitchen Harrisson but nobody is a grand chef
I know him freakyou is a real musician,
Ive just listen to Harrison music and that's def not the same job !
i download bloghouse like it's my job and this Freak You just doesn't cut it. just the facts. ^_^
The Worship remix really sounds like an Anoraak remix, especially the intro ... but it's still real nice, and I won't spit on it since it's the kind of electro I like (and like to do !)
harrison: sounds like you've got the wrong job then. sorry, palz.
Hah, the comment 'drama' can sometimes be just as entertaining as the music. Freak You, on the other hand is an exception. A fine exception, at that.
James H. knows where it's at, people!
your "witticisms" aside, these tracks are utterly forgettable. over and out.
wouaw Harrison gots mad with freakyou,
ok you don't like it but what you don't like isnt' necessary bad !!
maybe harrison should take my place on discodust from now on. he seems to know his shit. what do you guys think?
I vote yes to harrison because these Freak You tracks don't make the grade. It felt like I was dancing in a French wine cellar - dusty and old.
Are we really discussing the opinion of a 19 y.o student from facking Boston?? Blow one, Harrison- you're not qualified to be a critic.
"I'm losing my edge... to a bunch of douche bag kids, from Boston... and their bloghouse... who sold all their CDJs, and bought Ableton.."
I agree with "I'm losing my edge." !!
the real music for you is the most simple one !!
no need brain ...
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