sure there may be enough genres these days to make your head spin, but the flip side is that artists don't necessarily limit themselves to staying in just one vein. rampage is taking full advantage of all the identity crisis and mixing dubstep with jackin' house with b-more on into a new pure hybrid, showcased on his new ep 'war' out on our favorite label nightshifters.
rampage - loving u is easy
a spoonful of bpm's help the dubstep go down. haha, while i may not be the subgenre's biggest fan, blatta & inesha sneak the deep bounce into this rampage track like a crushed pill in my applesauce and speed it up to smooth perfection. and of course nightshifters is there to chaperon the entire mixdown. quickly becoming the pacemaker for the musical pulse, they are pairing remixers and artists with the skill that even a sommelier would envy.
rampage - war (blatta & inesha go to luanda remix)
the tandem italians are making their us dj debut late this summer so make sure to avoid getting too sunburnt or hungover to go out and see them smash it up.
and don't forget to get the whole release over at beatport which also has remixes by heavyfeet for both 'war' and 'loving u is easy'.
Yeah, I usually really like B&I, but that remix is a painful mish-mash of genres. Definitely not their style.
anonymous, suck it up, i think these tracks are both stellar. rest of the EP is great too!
Its a blog so he's not entitled to how he feels about it? lol settle down Bran, besides I love Nightshifters, but Rampage's new ep does not do it for me.
what has happend to music these days. .
what happend to all the good music that wascoming out only just a year ago. .
every thing now is junk. I have turnd my back on electronic music because its just turned into dum people music. all so simple. add wobbly sounds to your music and u have a hit.
very dissapointed. these ppl are the reason why electronic music is dying.
I think you didn't listen a lot of things this times.
You're right that the quality is getting down every year, but it still some people who are stellar, maybe you might change your music style and try to discover what's happening in some new styles and the reborn of 80's wich is my shit for now.
blame the internets and coke basically.
also blame people saying 'suck it up' lol. lack of opinion is what turned mainstream into complete shit over the past 20 years. quality control is of the utmost importance. love this blog obv, but i am speaking in a general sense...aleks cant control what is released, there just needs to me more filtering coming from the artists.
Templates and systematic production needs to stop i feel...more heart and emotion. its still out there though for sure though.
I'm not vibing to this one, whatever. Truly though, the lack of... effort on the production front is embarrassing. Where's the separation between style and repetitive shit I can dance to drunk? Help me understand.
I have to say this comes from the digital side of things, any kid can make music with software now, the problem is 90% is bad, this EP lacks production skills, it sounds like a bunch of choppy samples and other people's hard work mashed. This is what happens when a bunch of ego maniac kids from Chicago form a clique and big themselves up. BTW anonymous if your going to critique be more detailed, it sounds more personal on your end. this gets a 2 out of 10. If I where this guy I find a way to get advice, Chicago has many talented producers take advantage.
Yeah just really not feelin' this one. I don't think I'm ready for the whole 90's overly obnoxious beat style to come back :S
sigh... discodust is disappearing, please don't keep going this route my friends because theres only so much time that people can wait between new postings before they search around to other places.
yeah !!its so sad without good electo from discodust
i hope you never come back alex
people are gonna hate on me for saying this but this post along with some of the recent posts make my ears bleed. what happened to you discodust ? falling off ......... used to be one of my favorite blogs please come back
Jesus, shut up about Discodust sucking. I don't like these tracks either but there are a million other blogs to snag music from. Get some diversity. Make some bookmarks.
... I have a bad feeling about this.
loving u is easy is pretty sweet
will definitely get my hands on the heavyfeet remix
take it easy heezy
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