visitor is the brilliant (and maybe discodust-fueled, who knows?) combination of uk indie outfit cobra dukes and australian mysterious superstar producer diamond cut. the result might be reminiscent of the killers but you can already hear that they can achieve that much more. and seriously, you have been in love with them when they first showed up on the scene as well!
visitor - los feeling (rough mix)
you serious labels out there should better be quick and approach these guys before they end up with a major spoiling them and buying them huge mansions like wherever in the world. truth be told. much love to visitor.
visitor play a show at camden barfly this sat on 9ish
Wow, that track was amaaaaaazing! :O
glad you're lovers and not haters, but this track isn't as superstartstik as the photo presupposes :/
good luck visitors
yes, it is accidental. google ads obviously thinks you guys would be into it.
Brillitant track!
seriously why do you post shit like this? how many incarnations of Van She will we have to listen too. It's like every band needs to reinvent the 80's over and over. Valerie or Tesla Boy or Empire of the Sun, it's like try something new please. Although, I can groove to this shit, electrorock ballads can only be interesting for so long. Is there any interesting music out their that doesn't require lasers or raiser sharp synth chords at 135-140 bpm? I challenge you to find something original.
seriously why do you post shit like this?
because i like it.
I agree. Who cares, this "shit" is good music.it's a style. the only time it will be boring is when people become to scared to make music for fear of being too similar. get over it.
What is up with the insane over-use of triangle and cosmo/galaxy imagery nowadays! It's bizarre. And it's freaking everywhere! No more original ideas?
Why don't you come up with some original ideas of your own, then come and show us how and why yours is better?
Until then, kindly shut the fsck up.
This song is amaaazing! And I have seen them live twice and its the most energetic thing, cant help but dance! A true stadium band! Eff off with "not original", is a genre for fucks sake...
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