after a short period of silence, our friends discotexas are back with a new release on their label. 'forbidden cuts volume i' includes new disco house tracks by the whole leadership, as in moullinex, xinobi and rockets. check previews of all tracks out right here!
moullinex - lover in me
xinobi - valsa in nj
rockets - running to you
to buy the release, head over to junodownload or beatport or find more links over at the discotexas label site. the next releases are already in the pipeline, watch out!
I've been waiting for a long time. Happiness Hallellujah!
OH OH OH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf_Flc2cnoE
probably one of the best records from 2010!
Much love <3
I'm kind of sure the right orthograph for Moullinex is Moulinex..
"With Moullinex (yes, the double L is not a typo) recent signing to Gomma..."
wow wa wee wa!
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