Wednesday, March 24, 2010


after his recent remixes for goldfrapp and chelley, it was about time for some original material from discodust favorite grum again and he strikes back with his new single. "can't shake this feeling" is a sweet melodic disco house stormer in true grum trademark sound, just in time for the first beams of sunlight! watch the spectacular (and tasty!) video directed by ryan mcneill and supervised by keith schofield above and listen to the remixes by aston shuffle, dcup, beaumont, charlie!, ghosts of venice and grum himself below!

"can't shake this feeling" is available on beatport now and is the first single from the upcoming grum album called 'heartbeats', out on may 10th. i have already heard a couple of tracks and it's going to be absolutely massive, definitely going to be an essential part of my summer soundtrack this year!

and as a bonus, because we haven't posted it before and didn't provide any downloads in this post yet, here's grum's most recent remix for 'in the air' by tv rock, out on ministry of sound and definitely one of my favorite remixes lately!

tv rock - in the air (grum remix)

show grum some love on myspace, follow him on twitter and check his new youtube channel.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

dirty super car + grand hotel.

we haven't posted a real 'banger' in a while but this one is definitely worth it! grand hotel is a new london based label dedicated to electro, techno and breaks combined with a party series at both fabric and matter, acting as a platform for both emerging and established artists, already having acts such as plump djs on their roster.

the first release comes from a yet unknown electro act called 'dirty super car', features a chaka khan sample and a slamming electro-house remix by brisbane's the loops of fury. i am sure this is a sure shot resulting in straight fire in the clubs, so all you djs better make sure to bring this along for your next gig!

dirty super car - get a grip (the loops of fury remix)

read more about the first grand hotel event on the grand hotel website, taking place this friday at matter. and for all kids who are still into bangers, i think i am back on board as well, so hold out for more driving distorted club tracks soon!

jump jump dance dance + human life.

we have recently introduced you to los angeles electro-rockers jump jump dance dance by featuring the great remix discodust favorite grum did for their track 'show me the night'. now we have got another remix of the same track for you, courtesy of fellow los angeles electro pop outfit human life which is a bit on the more mellow side of things, featuring some sweet chord stabs and lovely synth solos.

jump jump dance dance - show me the night (human life remix)

stay tuned for the 'show me the night' single release coming on march 26th on etcetc and watch out for more from human life around here real soon!

Friday, March 12, 2010

edu k remixed.

as it's common knowledge that cuba libre is my favorite drink, it was about time for discodust and bacardi b-live coming together! following up on the great response to 'flutesnoot' by edu k, the previous remixes by brodinski and mixhell and the fact that kids still can't get enough of it, here are two more brandnew slamming remixes by one of germany's finest, daniel haaksman (pictured above) and the new solo project by grahm zilla of thunderheist called 'nautiluss'. play them loud!

edu k - flutesnoot (daniel haaksman's b-live mix)
edu k - flutesnoot (nautiluss b-live mix)

speaking of thunderheist, both are working on solo projects this year but the good people at bacardi b-live have secured their only release for this year, watch this space for the all new single 'drive in' soon! show edu k, daniel haaksman and grahm zilla some myspace love! cheers!

sound pellegrino label profile.

it's no secret that i'm probably one of sound pellegrino's biggest fangirls. they've had my support from the beginning and my love has only grown as they have dropped ep after ep like rapidfire. with his label turning one, a new clothing line and taking up-and-coming producers and launching them into bona fide superheros, i thought that it would be the perfect time to pick the brain of the man with the golden ear, teki latex, as well as shine the spotlight on his brainchild, sound pellegrino.

sound pellegrino just had its first birthday! joyeux anniversaire! at this point is it everything you want it to be? who/what is it missing?

everything is rolling smoothly. we're not in danger of running out of inspiration any time soon. we have put out releases and remixes by some of our house music heroes. we have recognition from dj's from all over the spectrum. and our sound and ethics are catching on everywhere in europe and beyond. what's really refreshing is that this time the goal is not to build an empire of def jam proportions, but just be able to put out stuff that we love and see where it will take us.

we are pushing new talent and we are not nervous about artists moving on and forgetting us after we put them on the map. instead of trying to carry a select group of artists on our shoulders and being frustrated by our own financial or material limits, we'd rather continue how we operate now so we can be thriving in 10 years, betting on new people and exploring new areas. sound pellegrino's mission is to be a curator and explorer of new music. we feel that instead of feeding artists a proverbial fish every day until we run out of fish, we'd rather teach them how to fish on their own so we can all fish together. rather fishy metaphor, but anyway i believe sound pellegrino is a well-oiled machine at this point and exactly where it needs to be.

read more!

mighty mouse.

that's it. i can't ignore mighty mouse any longer. i wasn't ignoring them, per se, but merely didn't grasp the magnitude of the momentum they were gaining. they first caught my ear on an ali love remix and then i couldn't scan over any of my music sources without seeing their names all over the place. they don't have that much posted all over the interwebs yet, but i'm sure that will all change in a matter of weeks as they are already drawing aeroplane comparisons.

these three tracks are a good sampling of the broad spectrum of influences they incorporate into their sound. it's proving successful to keep the spectrum broad as it garnered them accolades from bbc radio 1 as an "act to watch in 2010" and have their next release coming out on herve's 'cheap thrills' label.

john & jehn - lookin for you (mighty mouse nyc sensations remix)
mighty mouse - song for ellen
sweet sweet lies - the day i changed (mighty mouse instrumental mix)

don't forget to follow them on their twitter.

grey ghost.

aleks is always giving me a hard time about trying to find more 'discodust'-type music that's a little more synthy and a little less ethno house-y. well, thanks to grey ghost, i didn't have to search much further than down the block from my house. anthony ross aka grey ghost aka half of bubblegum sci-fi somehow finds time between these multiple projects and being the friday night resident at new san diego über dj venue, voyeur, to concoct some tunes sure to make even mr. discodust happy.

the first track reminds me of everything ladytron should have ve evolved into; digitized and monotone vocals, catchy sampler hooks and circular rhythms.

ladytron - predict the day (grey ghost remix)

then, he took karin park and turned her into lykke li à la mode.

karin park - ashes (grey ghost & mezzir remix)

with the kajillion social networking sites available to keep tabs on your favorite artists, you can take you pick of any or all of anthony's facebook, myspace or bubblegum sci-fi to keep surveillance.