i plead guilty. for not posting about montreal-based music magician cfcf in ages, even though we were among the first to post about him back in 2007 - wow, time flies! and i also plead guilty for not posting about one of my favorite labels of the year yet, going by the name of acephale. they also were the first to release the awesome salem, probably the band that i recommended the most to friends and music lovers in the last few months but shame on me, i didn't manage to get a post up. fuck me!
anyway, back to topic. cfcf has evolved a lot since back then and his whole sound is less chiptune and less vintage synth-nerd now but a lot more elevated, precious, cosmic, 'new disco', in short i'd probably call it 'grown up' or just: 'wonderful'. acephale thought alike and just released a limited white vinyl seven-inch with his tracks 'you hear colors' and 'invitation to love' that is nearly sold out by now from what i've heard - head over to acephale records to see where you might still be able to pick up a copy of this gem. and if you're not sure yet, check out 'you hear colors' right here!
cfcf - you hear colors
if you like what you hear or generally prefer visuals to go with your music, the very talented tommyboy from our friends over at arawa.fm did a really beautiful video for 'you hear colors' too.
cfcf - you hear colors video (on vimeo)
and to make up for the years of not properly featuring cfcf, i am not gonna let you go without some more of his tracks. my favorite is his outstanding cover of 'forbidden colours' by ryuichi sakamoto & david sylvian but his remixes for femme and cassie are worth hearing as well!
cfcf - forbidden colours
femme - bathtub clash (cfcf remix final)
cassie - official girl (cfcf remix final)
watch out for more from cfcf and acephale.