Tuesday, March 31, 2009


i plead guilty. for not posting about montreal-based music magician cfcf in ages, even though we were among the first to post about him back in 2007 - wow, time flies! and i also plead guilty for not posting about one of my favorite labels of the year yet, going by the name of acephale. they also were the first to release the awesome salem, probably the band that i recommended the most to friends and music lovers in the last few months but shame on me, i didn't manage to get a post up. fuck me!

anyway, back to topic. cfcf has evolved a lot since back then and his whole sound is less chiptune and less vintage synth-nerd now but a lot more elevated, precious, cosmic, 'new disco', in short i'd probably call it 'grown up' or just: 'wonderful'. acephale thought alike and just released a limited white vinyl seven-inch with his tracks 'you hear colors' and 'invitation to love' that is nearly sold out by now from what i've heard - head over to acephale records to see where you might still be able to pick up a copy of this gem. and if you're not sure yet, check out 'you hear colors' right here!

cfcf - you hear colors

if you like what you hear or generally prefer visuals to go with your music, the very talented tommyboy from our friends over at arawa.fm did a really beautiful video for 'you hear colors' too.

cfcf - you hear colors video (on vimeo)

and to make up for the years of not properly featuring cfcf, i am not gonna let you go without some more of his tracks. my favorite is his outstanding cover of 'forbidden colours' by ryuichi sakamoto & david sylvian but his remixes for femme and cassie are worth hearing as well!

cfcf - forbidden colours
femme - bathtub clash (cfcf remix final)
cassie - official girl (cfcf remix final)

watch out for more from cfcf and acephale.

annie + designer drugs.

although i expected to have a ton of 'backfill' posts, it looks like this is more or less going to be the only one, so maybe i just made a promise that i can't keep. wouldn't be the first time. nothing much to say about this one either, discodust favorites designer drugs remixing the wonderful annie (i mean, just look at the picture above - swoon), this is definitely one of my favorite tracks in a long time! (although i think the vocals sound a bit off-beat throughout the verses but i am not gonna say this in public.)

annie - anthonio (designer drugs remix)

in related news: the new annie album has been delayed, as most of you have probably noticed by now. no idea what's wrong but maybe she should hire designer drugs for some actual production? just a thought. (and i'd still love to date annie one day. le sigh.)

ac slater + drop the lime.

oh well, i guess it's about time to break the silence again. just wasn't too excited about blogging recently (and had to work for 7 days straight last week, aww!) but tonight i finally decided it's time to pick up the slack. first up are a few posts with tracks that you might have seen around already - or maybe not.

let's start with the latest from discodust favorite ac slater. he's got a new release coming up on his very own label party like us. the original 'banger' has been a classic in a lot of dj's sets and the new release brings us remixes from drop the lime, tittsworth, b. rich and clark able as well. enjoy the hard-hitting and stomping versions by ac slater himself and that guy who keeps raising the question 'what makes the motherfucker so damn fresh?', trouble & bass camp leader drop the lime.

ac slater - banger
ac slater - banger (drop the lime remix)

in related ac slater news, one of our favorite labels, nightshifters is organizing a remix contest for his track 'hello', teaming up with discobelle. check out the track and if you think you've got what it takes, get the complete sample pack and get going!

ac slater - hello
ac slater - hello remix contest sample pack

show ac slater some myspace love and check out the other 'banger' remixes on junodownload or beatport.

Friday, March 20, 2009


when people hear valerie, they tend to think of college and anoraak right away, followed by russ chimes, the outrunners and of course minitel rose. but hardly anyone remembers maethelvin, although he dropped a whole lot of based tunes last year.

tonight we're going to change this. after laying low for a while, maethelvin returns with an all-new track, definitely my favorite work from him. he abandoned his trademark kavinsky-esque fm synthesizer sound and hits us with a dreamy french house track bringing back the memories of kris menace and lifelike when i first found out about them 'back in the days'. definitely being one of my favorite tracks of the year so far, the name suits it well: 'delight'. enjoy another discodust first!

maethelvin - delight (demo)

i am sure there is lots more to come from maethelvin now that he has found his new sound and i'll definitely try my best and keep you posted. add him on myspace and let him know how good this is!

daroc + dw.

french vintage synthesizer maestro daroc is back - we already featured him back then, check the previous post for all the basic information. he recently joined forces with fellow synth addicts dw from sweden who contributed some great vocals to one of his tracks, ending up with 'hypnotic france', one of the most romantic synthesizer hits we ever featured on here.

daroc featuring dw - hypnotic france

and thanks to the good people from boxon records, we can offer another daroc composition, taken from the compilation 'boxon makes me happy'. on this one, he takes us on a cosmic ride to the world of space disco. absolutely epic!

daroc - a bout de suffle

show daroc some myspace love and stay tuned for an official release!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


french-canadian duo numéro# consisting of jérôme rocipon and pierre crube should be well known to most of you, mostly from their track 'hit pop' featured on kitsuné maison compilation 4 and having been on tour with yelle, but also due to blogosphere attention in general.

after already releasing an album in 2006 on saboteur they are soon coming back at full force with their new longplayer named 'sport du combat'. let's celebrate their first feature on discodust with this synth-heavy electro pop jam which is the opener of the new album:

numéro# - tonton klaxonne

watch out for 'sport du combat' dropping april 14th and show numéro# some well-deserved myspace love!

snoop dogg.

we interrupt this program for a special announcement: snoop dogg obviously just decided to bring dubstep to the very last corners of the world, the 'slumdog millionaire' inspired 'snoop dogg millionaire' leaked this morning which has got him rapping over the dubstep anthem-turned crossover banger 'eastern jam' by chase and status. and guess what, i am actually really digging this.

snoop dogg - snoop dogg millionaire (on zshare)
snoop dogg - snoop dogg millionaire (on megaupload)

throw your money in the air and watch out for dubstep seriously taking over this year! props to mad decent (who else?) for getting this up first!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

colouring in.

colouring in is a new london-based band formed by love minus zero label owner and house producer tom neville and opera singer henry bennett. and before you're all like 'yeah just like hercules and love affair', let me tell you that the colouring in sound is much more dancefloor-oriented, catchy and synth-laden - 'future-romantic pop music' as they call it, 'always with a raucously infectious beat'.

i've picked up a demo of their track 'intergalactic romantic' from the exquisite dalston oxfam shop this morning and while i have tons of other posts on my to-do-list, this had to go up right away. much love to my favorite london girl in berlin for the recommendation.

colouring in - intergalactic romantic (demo radio edit)

an ep is set for release in 2009 and obviously a couple of labels are already on it, so you a&r's and label owners reading this, bust out the cheque book and get ready for a hard fight, as these guys will definitely blow up!

i am hoping to see colouring in live some time this year, as they play a great show with five people on stage playing live electronic drums, four synthesizers, a cello and a trumpet. can't wait!

the virgins + le castle vania.

i know we've been featuring le castle vania quite often lately, but real talent just doesn't get boring, right? dylan was afraid we wouldn't like this as much as his other more banger oriented tracks but well, far from it! this remix adds such a big level of happiness to the already happy vibed original by the virgins that everyone just has got to love it. we do!

the virgins - rich girls (le castle vania's spring break no parents remix)

so enjoy spring break and stay tuned for more great experiments from le castle vania and show him some myspace love!

Monday, March 16, 2009


our favorite artist collective in the world, valerie (who else would it be?), is back again to bring some love, light and color into our grey cold lives (or is that just me?). this time it's the gang leader college alongside electric youth on the vocals for the wonderful 'she never came back'.

college - she never came back (video) on vimeo

watch the beautiful video directed by frantz lasorne and nicolas guyon above and enjoy the remixes by the outrunners and russ chimes right here - another all-new discodust first by uk's finest. once again, valerie made my day. seriously, i wouldn't know what to do without you guys!

college - she never came back (russ chimes remix)
college - she never came back (the outrunners remix)

head over to college's myspace to show him some love and get your copy of his album 'secret diary', also available as vhs collector limited edition with stunning artwork by the zonders.


discodust favorites parallels (previous posts can be found here, here and here) are back with some new material, including the final version of 'reservoir' (which is still one of my favorite tracks) and an all new robot disco slow jam named 'vienna'. both tracks prove that they are moving further into the 'actual band' direction, now that the wonderful holly dodson (pictured above) took over the microphone.

before you get all busy on downloading the tracks, you should head over to the all new parallels.fm website where the band will post all of their new material including songs, videos and productions. as opposed to the average bands only having myspace pages these days, parallels are going for a more in depth way to connect with people who like their music. and i bet you like what you will hear now.

parallels - reservoir
parallels - vienna

for a taste of how good parallels sound live, check this performance:

parallels - reservoir (marigold session) on vimeo

watch out for the upcoming ep on thisisnotanexit featuring 'ultralight', 'midnight voices' and 'dry blood'. also coming up is a remix for detachments that will be on their next single called 'the flowers that fell' which is coming out at the end of april. now go bookmark parallels.fm and show them some love on myspace.

p e a c e fire + division kent.

we have been supporting p e a c e fire (pictured above) since day one and while it has been a bit quiet around him recently, he is finally back with another epic masterpiece in his trademark sound. this time it's a remix for division kent from switzerland and once again p e a c e fire delivers some of the most beautiful synthesizer work you can come across these days. loving it!

division kent - the year of magical thinking (p e a c e fire remix)

now that he is back around and we've got proof that he can handle remixes just as good as original pieces, i am sure we'll hear lots more from p e a c e fire this year! don't miss out and show him some love on myspace!

justin faust remixes.

discodust favorite justin faust strikes back again and sent us two of his most recent remixes, one for 'better off as two' by frankmusik (pictured above) and the other one for 'velours 77' by kid machine. and you all know justin faust by now anyway, so the only thing i can add this time is that he just keeps getting better and better!

frankmusik - better off as two (justin faust remix)
kid machine - velours 77 (justin faust remix)

show justin faust some myspace love!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


as always, your favorite blog (that's discodust, goddamnit), gets first dips when hostage drops a new tune, so here we go with 'the biggest wobbly cunt of a bass i could make' and the most 'mad cheesy breakdown like in gluttony with a weird old 70s vocal sample' that hostage could provide, so play it loud and stop thinking already!

hostage - murder rocket

get the fuck high on this or go somewhere else. hostage is the man and you know it!

love concept.

while some people are saying that chicago's club scene is relatively dead, i keep hearing more and more good music blowing out of the windy city. this time, it was love concept that breezed by.

love concept - windy city television

this next one wins because it sounds like the closing song in an epic john hughes film. can you see camera pan to the camero with the flock of seagulls haircut, leaning against it in tweed cuffed pants and a pastel button-up casting his dreamy stare at the female lead. then they embark on a vocal duet and the credits roll.

love concept - time enough for love

love concept are currently working on polishing their live act to hit the road. can't wait to hear what comes out of these guys in the near future. three cheers for unsigned acts!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

sparkle motion.

as you know, we don't post mixes that often, unless they are really special. the 'flight school vol. 1' mixtape is one of those really special mixes, providing a continuous flow of top-notch 'breaks', as in 'samples' or really exciting passages, all from 80s r&b tracks. for the producers this might mean: here are 50 minutes of perfect sample material for your upcoming productions. for the music lovers this means: beware of going insane!

i am a bit in a rush, so here is a quote from the original promotion package: "sparkle motion are club av pioneer dj yoda and 80s R&B connoisseur and spinemagazine.com music editor tobes. they got together and plucked out selection of their favorite 80s r&b breaks - no vocals, just an hour of raw 80s beats for the jacuzzi, the private jet, or the boom boom room."

sparkle motion - flight school vol. 1 mixtape (on sharebee)

much love to sparkle motion, i fucking love this and insist on a sequel!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

la roux + foamo.

welcome, readers. today i'd like to introduce you to a yet unheard singer from the united kingdom, going by the name of la roux and her completely new track 'in for the kill'. still reading? no, seriously, who am i kidding?

here is yet another remix for one of the most blogged tracks this year, this time from discodust favorite foamo who gave the skream remix another re-vamp, adding some well-needed rave flavour, a straight kickdrum, flanged amen breaks and burialistic percussions. so for those who thought the recent remix by hostage was too heavy, this might be the one for you! i love them both!

la roux - in for the kill (foamo's skream remix bootleg)

big ups to the great people over at funkism for importing this to the land of blogs and i am tempted to promise you that this will be the very last remix of this track but who knows! keep up on myspace with foamo, la roux and skream.

flosstradamus + jokers of the scene.

i was meant to have like half a dozen posts up here since last night but just didn't get around to do it. while you're desperately waiting or not giving a fuck at all, here's a new jokers of the scene remix for 'big bills' by flosstradamus (pictured above) featuring caroline polachek from the super sweet up and coming indie pop sensation chairlift. prepare for a gloomy mixture of techno and electro house with never-ending reverbs that you would rather expect on a post-rock track. i simply love jokers of the scene.

flosstradamus - big bills (jokers of the scene after 4am rework)

this came in via green label sound where you can also download the original track as well as additional remixes by blaqstarr and flosstradamus themselves - for free. and you like that, right? you cheap motherfuckers!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ac slater.

march 10th. ac slater's new ep 'rock it out' is finally out! this time on nightshifters, jason forrest's new label, which has already thrown out quite a few gems in its circa half year existence! 'rock it out' comes around as a nice package of exceptional tunes including a few obvious dubstep influences rounded off with equally great remixes by rob threezy and scott cooper.

ac slater - rock it out

the whole package is ready for pick up on beatport now. and ac slater and nightshifters are more than ready to receive some of your myspace love!

tesla boy.

while i am having a hard time finding good new artists to post about, those wonderful people from valerie always seem to be able to track them down. one of their latest finds is tesla boy from moscow, russia and i can't remember the last time i have been that hooked on a bunch of tracks. tesla boy perfectly combine the vibe of my favorite eighties pop songs with the sounds of today, thus being catchy as hell and easily accessible for everyone.

both 'spirit of the night' and 'electric lady' will probably be on repeat wherever i go for the next couple of weeks. both are from a limited edition ep that tesla boy released earlier this year and while our friends at valerie call these tracks 'simple but well produced', i think that's a bit of an understatement. to me, tesla boy combine top-notch production with great pop appeal. and as i've only got radio and a tape deck in my car, i wish music like theirs would finally make it to mainstream radio.

tesla boy - spirit of the night
tesla boy - electric lady

head over to the marvellous valerie for another stellar jam from tesla boy and make sure to show tesla boy some myspace love!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

get famous!

get famous! is a duo from canada consisting of jnl and aaron ives and their myspace profile says they are influenced by 'all that is funky and delicious'. listening to their tracks, there is no denying that as they are perfectly mixing up catchy eighties pop, electro funk and a fair amount of french touch.

'slip away' is the most beautiful dreamy french house track that i have heard in ages, meaning this could very well be a long lost alan braxe and fred falke collaboration that was just unearthed again, right on time to remind everyone out there what french house used to be all about. and you know what that means: endless layers of smooth vintage synthesizer sounds, wonderful chords and just the right amount of guitars.

get famous! - slip away

show get famous! some myspace love and i am sure you'll hear more from them on here very soon!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


que is basically just a side-project of pista kralovic from slovakia who also plays guitar and sings in the uniques. mind you, if you have heard the band's material, this track sounds nothing like it.

"let's go to my place" combines deep booming 808 kickdrums, clap massacres, funky organs, twirling synths, fat saw chords and a catchy vocal sample to a true club stormer, this is literal 'electro house' paired with a rock and roll attitude. i had this on repeat for like a week and still can't get enough of it, definitely one of my favorite tracks so far this year. que deserves to be huge!

que - let's go to my place

by all means, feel free to repost this and keep an eye on que.


gazelle is the current project by xander ferreira from south africa. delivering a fresh mixture of sound, combining influences from funk, disco, eighties electropop and traditional african music, gazelle brings some well-needed breeze of fresh air to today's dancefloors. 'chic afrique' is the name of the recently released gazelle album and my favorite jam 'she did me' is a perfect disco track with lovely chords that remind me of true pearls from inner city and (gasp!) technotronic.

gazelle - she did me

promoters and bookers watch out as gazelle are currently planning a european tour and are still looking for a couple of gigs. head over to their myspace to hear some more!

designer drugs + le castle vania.

good thing dylan of le castle vania and lies in disguise is such a busy man. i think everyone appreciates new stuff from him. it gets even better as good friends computer club and rrrump (also label mates on always never) brought in some support for this remix of blogosphere favourites designer drugs. and crafted was a dance floor kind of pop sound that is sure to work wonders on the crowd!

designer drugs - back up in this (le castle vania, computer club & rrrump remix)

watch out for more from the entire always never camp!


as you might have noticed, fantastadon has been really busy doing things with discodust homies hot pink dolerean. although there's still more of that coming soon he didn't miss his chance to send us a bit of his own current work.

the first track is a remix of hollywood holt's 'hollywood' that's been getting quite some airplay on mtv recently. fantastadon keeps on delivering party flavour!

hollywood holt - hollywood (fantastadon's extended mix)

next up is a new original track that's been getting quite some airplay by myself on his myspace player. it's rougher than the hollywood holt remix, reminding you of fantastadon's ability to produce some rounded up massiveness.

fantastadon - fantastadonculous

keep an eye out for tons of new stuff surfacing in the next weeks, including a nice little promo mix. and in the meantime, don't forget to show fantastadon your myspace love!

little boots remixed.

grindin once again proved to be the fucking place to be today, as a certain someone came up with a whole bunch of remixes for what might be the next little boots single, called 'new in town'. while we all were a bit hesitant at first if those are good to post, the fearless discobellers just went ahead and put up the fred falke and drop the lime remixes and as i am feeling like little boots needs some more blog hype these days to keep up with all the love la roux has been getting lately, i decided to put them up as well.

expect no big surprises. it's little boots, it's fred falke and it's drop the lime, after all!

little boots - new in town (fred falke remix)
little boots - new in town (drop the lime dub)

and as always, you can be sure that we will watch little boots' every move!

heavyfeet remixed.

uk heavy bass lowriders heavyfeet hooked us up with what they are calling a 'fun little remix ep', while i'd call it a couple of real bangers - a1 bassline and klaus hill from down under are getting busy on "we gettin' crunk" and 'one last time' from heavyfeet and what can i say? straight fire! twice!

heavyfeet - we gettin' crunk (a1 bassline remix)
heavyfeet - one last time (klaus hill remix)

another remix ep is dropping soon, so stay tuned for more from heavyfeet in the near future!

fagget fairys.

there are a few things that i really regret in my young life. one of them is that i've missed out on posting about fagget fairys, although my friends from palms out sounds released their first single and they're so damn fresh that tinkerbell doesn't even stand a chance. lesbian dream lovers ena and carla carmmilla are back with a new track going by the name of 'feed the horse' and this time i won't miss the opportunity to feature it on discodust!

an irresistible beat and the fairy's lusty luscious lustrous vocals make this track a sure winner, leaving me nothing but longing for their full-length coming some time in march on music for dreams. and while you are waiting with me, enjoy the original mix and the deep 'club dub' version of 'feed the horse' right here, right now!

fagget fairys - feed the horse (original mix)
fagget fairys - feed the horse (club dub)

add the adorable super-lovely fagget fairys to your army of myspace friends! (edit: this doesn't mean 'feed the whores', does it?)

jak-z + scott cooper.

jengaa is a new label dedicated to jacking house, brought to life by liam vizzle, scott cooper and jak-z. the very first release is of course from the label owners themselves, is called 'move ya', sports a sample that everyone knows and comes complete with remixes from hijack and tom eq.

jak-z & scott cooper - move ya (original)
jak-z & scott cooper - move ya (hijack remix)
jak-z & scott cooper - move ya (tom eq remix)

watch out for more from the jengaa massive!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

maral salmassi + bird peterson.

one of my favorite german artists is finally back with a new release: maral salmassi. on her new single 'my shit is on' she and her producer zero cash combine oldschool hip-hop elements with swirling basslines, reduced claps and punching kickdrums - an ode to the fun factor of hip hop back in the 1980s, straight up b-boy attitude!

'my shit is on' is out now on television rocks along with remixes from zero cash, nhan & taan and bloggers' favorite bird peterson. the original is up for grabs here and i uploaded a snippet of the bird peterson remix as well, as it's simply my favorite on this release! get those now but make sure to check out the other remixes too!

maral salmassi - my shit is on (original)
maral salmassi - my shit is on (bird peterson remix snippet)

you can buy 'my shit is on' straight from beatport, find it somewhere on itunes or pick up a vinyl copy at your favorite recordstore. show maral salmassi some myspace love!

mr miyagi.

this just came in. first i was pleased by just seeing mr miyagi finally doing some new original tracks. then i listened and was pleased again right away. i just love tracks with fun samples and this apparently reminded me of stuff like crookers' "gypsy p" or jesse rose's "touch my horn". make sure you check out those too in case you haven't done so and enjoy some cheering horn samples:

mr miyagi - we gonna give you the lesson

and if you still enjoy yet another song with lots of 'whoo' and 'yeah' samples courtesy of the godfather james brown in here, as i do, then try this one too:

mr miyagi featuring storvreta hustlers - we are back

now go and spread some myspace love to mr miyagi, crookers and jesse rose.


burns is a young upcoming producer from the united kingdom who was recently signed to breastfed by label boss linus loves. the mail in my inbox decribes his sound as justice meeting mylo and i'd say that's quite accurate.

burns has already received support from annie mac, a-trak, dj mehdi and fred falke, so it's about time you guys get to know him too. so here's his debut single 'disko' in shiny three-twenty bitrate, the first of 4 singles to come this year, an album being underway as well.

burns - disko

get on myspace and say hi! to burns from discodust!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

a1 bassline + kavsrave.

like i said the other day, i've been feeling drum & bass-vibe dubstep tunes a lot recently and this track by a1 bassline and kavsrave named 'lucky charms' is one of those. already been played out by major players such as starkey, this 8-bit arpeggio wobble-bass fusion should enlighten narrow-minded bangerheads and leads the path to better and more exciting days!

a1 bassline & kavsrave - lucky charms

show a1 bassline and kavsrave some myspace love!

la roux + joe and will ask?

just got this really sweet joe and will ask? remix for la roux' first single 'quicksand' in my inbox. those leecher-serving mp3 aggregation sites told me that some blogs already posted this back in january (with fade-outs and low bitrate though) and there has been a lot of la roux on here recently anyway but oh well, when one of my favorite singers and two of uk's hottest upcoming producers collide, i just can't resist.

la roux - quicksand (joe and will ask? remix)

unless i fall asleep early, there should be some more good tunes coming your way today as i am in a good mood right now and it's the first sunny day here in ages and all that on a sunday, gasp!