Wednesday, December 31, 2008

boys noize interview.

and the interviews just don't stop. i was a hardworking ninja turtle on halloween night and got to sit down with boys noize. he's one of the nicest, most down-to-earth people. we got to chat about the peak and aftermath of the scene that he helped build, a few of his new projects going in a few interesting directions, and how he still manages to get inspired amongst all this musical overkill.

so you're not wearing a costume? i guess halloween isn't much of a german holiday, is it?

no, i put on this very boring batman shirt. it's quite common i guess. you know germans are more boring.

no, not with their techno music they're not boring. are you still working on your side project?

yes i'm working with gonzales (feist's producer). we've already written two songs together. he's an incredible songwriter; a genius. he plays and can be creative with every instrument. i've turned down alot of production requests just because i've wanted to spend more time producing with people like him. his creativity inspires me to try so many new things.

what do you two sound like together?

boys noize - shine shine (shadow dancer unreleased remix)

read more!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

hot pink delorean.

about a year ago, we first posted hot pink delorean on here and in the meantime, they have made a lot of progress and impact, playing countless gigs, scoring tons of official remixes and now they are finally releasing their first ep 'i am what porno should be', released on their very own label.

featuring 4 all new tracks, the hot pink delorean ep turned out really awesome and is already on heavy rotation by major players such as kissy sellout (who immediately was like 'annie mac needs to hear this!'), dave spoon, benny benassi and tonka. 'party favour' seems to be everyone's favorite track, so here you go with a low-quality mp3 of it for preview purposes as well as a high-q (with a vocal tag though, sorry!) of my personal favorite from the ep named 'field agent'.

hot pink delorean & fantastadon - party favour
hot pink delorean - field agent (promo version)

if you want the high-quality and untagged versions, head over to juno, junodownload, itunes or amazon. if you're used to buying at beatport, they will have it early next year!

show hot pink delorean some love and stay tuned for more!

Monday, December 29, 2008

joe and will ask.

joe and will ask, we love you!! they're always so generous and send over chunks of music at a time. this post is no exception.

let's kick things off with a techy rework of italian mega dj mario piu. it's got a grindin bassline and a few adrenaline-rushing buildups that are sure to get some major play on some ginormous soundsystems.

mario piu - communication (joe and will ask remix)

now in the last joe and will ask post here i posted their '11 pm' remix of this mystery jets song that references the appropriate hour to drop it in a dj set. well they decided to mix up another version that's perfect for about 3 am when everyone is good and warmed up ready to be propelled into the wee hours of the morning.

mystery jets - half in love with elizabeth (joe and will ask 3am remix)

the guys slow it down a bit with this remix of new parisian indie boys revolver. they flex their musical diversity a bit on this one as they dispay their slower electronic skills a la royksopp. i suppose it fits the title of 'calm down', right?

revolver - calm down (joe and will ask remix)

royal rumble.

most of you know of royal rumble the wwf video game, but royal rumble is also one of the rare species of 3-man dj/production team. this trio of los angeleans (is that a word?) have been building quite a quality reputation around these parts due to their quality musical selections, unpretentious 'hush hush' events, and their production work.

their latest effort was a glitched-up rework of aussie's bipolar badwise.

bipolar badwise - entwined (royal rumble remix)

another benefit to living in los angeles is that when you make a good edit, it gets passed around to prominent dj's just like this week's dj groupie.

soulwax - miserable girl (royal rumble edit)

the guys are going to be rotating residents at guns n bombs new 'house of no culture' night wednesdays at the echo in los angeles. the first show is january 7th featuring rong music's free blood!


**warning: this post contains more techno music!** i'm always amused by the realization of the amazing and refreshing things you can discover when you take the time to scratch below the surface. for the past few years, los angeles has been saturated by the wave of electro-blog music and has hosted some great parties and events thanks to the promoters like iheartcomix's franki chan and dimmak's steve aoki who have helped expose acts like justice and mstrkrft.

and while this movement has been well-publicized, there has also been another musical movement finding its home in various warehouses and renegade locations. droidbehavior are a major player behind this underground electronic music shift and have been one of the very few to avoid police intervention, that was even caused beatportal to point its literary finger their direction noting their significance in helping los angeles claim the american dance crown. they just celebrated their sixth year of throwing parties that debuted artists such as jimmy edgar, modeselektor, matthew dear, alexander robotnick, etc. to the la underground.

the first part of droidbehavior are vidal and vangelis vargas; brothers who produce and perform under the name acid circus. their half live pa half digital mixing setup consists of 2 laptops that switch back and forth between original and borrowed loops, trax, efex, via traktor and ableton.

acid circus - uncle jak

the other droid player is moe espinosa aka drumcell. seeing as how the states' dj booths are predominantly operated via serato, there has been lots of skepticism about computer based programs like traktor, ableton and torque. drumcell pretty much maximizes all his resources as he juggles all four allen n heath xone 3d channels icing them with effects throughout.

dustin zahn - analog (drumcell & audio injection remix)

so between the parties that bring in note-worthy talent, innovative productions and droidbehavior music label showcasing the music they believe in, the droid boys keep themselves busy while the rest of los angeles gets to reap the benefits!

don't believe me? peep the videos!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

soulwax interview.

continuing in the 'hard halloween '08' interview series, we got one of the 'big fish' for you guys. we got soulwax. enough said.

so when does it slow down for you guys?

david: slow down? i guess next week when we go back home and go into the studio. and june we go back on tour. maybe it will only slow down if one of us has a heart attack. actually stephan will probably have the heart attack first.

i feel like you guys have set the standard as far as live performances go. no one plays remixes live in the capacity that you do. you've set the standard as far as musical production goes. i cant categorize you guys at all. so where do you go next? how do you go even bigger?

find out the rest after the jump

and here is the song that built up so much hype over the past year...

mgmt - kids (soulwax remix)

and a little video of the actual interview....

SOULWAX INTERVIEW @ HARD HALLOWEEN '08 from miss toats on Vimeo.

read more!

Monday, December 22, 2008

le castle vania + fukkk offf.

as if it wasn't enough that he provided two of my favorite 'bangers' this year (being 'messiah' and 'zero machine'), atlanta's le castle vania gets busy on our favorite over-the-top party anthem of the year, 'rave is king' by fukkk offf. it seems like he came a bit too late for the official remixes release on coco machete, i am sure they would have loved to include this monster of a tune!

le castle vania manages to adds more alcohol, more drugs, more distortion, more noise, more destruction, more overdrive to the already insane original which should make it clear once and for all, kids: rave is king!

fukkk offf - rave is king (le castle vania remix)

and in case you haven't heard the official remixes coming from mystery uk producer zodiac cartel and skint mastermind midfield general yet, you can get a taste of them here:

fukkk offf - rave is king (zodiac cartel mix)
fukkk offf - rave is king (midfield general mix)

stay tuned for more from le castle vania and support fukkk offf and coco machete by spending some cash on beatport.

UPDATE: i just got news that the le castle vania remix is getting an official release early next year, so i had to replace the mp3 with a 128 kbps version. buy it if you like it!

symbolone + kap10kurt.

my favorite croatian and irish duo, symbolone, is finally back with the completely mastered version of their remix for kap10kurt's 'mission complete'. and what can i say but that it was well worth the wait, the vintage-flavoured synthesizer sidechain whizkids are killing it once again! enjoy the final version first on discodust!

kap10kurt - mission complete (symbolone remix)

and just in case you missed it when it first showed up on the blogs several weeks ago, here's another remix of the same track, by yet another discodust favorite: moulinex.

kap10kurt - mission complete (moulinex remix)

australians, watch out for symbolone invading down under alongside the man they call gloves. and show kap10kurt, symbolone and moulinex some myspace love!

futurecop! + ooga booga.

the good boys from futurecop! are finally dropping their first official release on december 25th, just right on time to give all of us something wonderful to hold on throughout those horrible holidays. being a joint effort from both our friends over at iheartcomix! and southern fried, 'the unicorn & the lost city of alvograth' (!!!) features their three original tracks "tonight's hero", 'as seen on tv' and "n.a.s.a.".

to celebrate the release, they sent over an all new track named 'eyes like the ocean' which must be my favorite futurecop! work so far. enjoy this very playful, dreamy yet driving epic eighties synth-flavoured masterpiece and buy the ep when it hits beatport!

futurecop! - eyes like the ocean

also futurecop! but in a lot more banging way is ooga booga from hamburg's hard-hitting rework of 'transformers', the very first track we brought you from the cops back then. killer!

futurecop! - transformers (ooga booga remix)

watch out for a dedicated post on the super-talented ooga booga soon and head over to beatport on the 25th to spend your money on the futurecop! ep!


finally having found his home on one of our favorite new labels, nightshifters' most effective weapon of mass speaker destruction, hostage, still can't spend a week without unleashing at least one floorfiller anthem and the only things i can keep saying are 'stunning' and 'he just keeps getting better'. here's his latest joint, "ain't no man", play it loud, this insane madman will never stop the rave again!

hostage - ain't no man

merry christmas to all discodust readers from nightshifters and hostage.

anoraak + sally shapiro.

oh well, it's that time of the year again! anyone else not in the mood for hypocritical (broken) family celebrations? yeah, thought so. thankfully, our soulmate anoraak comes to the rescue and brings a wonderful rework of sally shapiro's 'anorak christmas' to the (xmas presents) table. listen and dream away!

sally shapiro - anorak christmas (anoraak's christmas remix)

needless to say that you'd better watch out for more from both sally shapiro and anoraak.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

crookers interview.

while seeking refuge from the swarms of costumed jokers, candy ravers and even a few imposter deadmau5's at the hard halloween festival in los angeles, i ran into bot from crookers as we were scouring the selection of halloween candy. he was nice enough to sit down and chat about whats new and whats next for these skittle-chomping italians.

bot: mama mia (looking at all the halloween candy on the table and picking up skittles)

miss toats: another american food that makes you want to throw up. what else makes you want to throw up?

this is junky sweets. blackberry balls and nothing else. i prefer technology. the food here is like everything meat. the pasta is shitty

processed processed processed. it can't really compare with italy.

wiley - summertime (crookers remix)

check the rest of the interview after the jump here

Friday, December 19, 2008

the phantoms revenge.

the phantoms revenge has emerged from the darkness bestowed a bunch of new tracks for our listening pleasure...should be fun for those of you who love hunting down all the original tracks that he samples. game on!

ohhh, what an earful of disco deliciousness. haha you cant beat the 'airy wind' buildup.

the phantom's revenge - saturated phat impact

this one's a bit more mellow on the editing and lets the dreamy guitars do most of the work.

pierce - miss your tape (the phantom's revenge remix)

this one starts off in his typical style of chop, chop, chop and then develops into a mr. oizo-style track complete with french vocal sample. is he referring to this apollo creed aka the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world from the film rocky?

the phantom's revenge - 3 minutes with apollo creed

so in addition to crate digging for more disco jems to revive, he has just released his 'late' ep on discotexas records! you can snag it at, you know where, beatport!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

heartsrevolution + chateau marmont.

heartsrevolution are back again, this time on french boutique label kitsune with their single 'ultraviolence'. when i first heard the remix package (with ace reworks by streetlife djs, spankrock and vitalic!!!) this one by chateau marmont was def one of my favorites. so i was a bit ecstatic when kitsune was kind enough to let us post it. they kept it as synthy as the original but added a bit more 'zing' to it. lo's vocals almost make me think about crystal castles, but i like the direction theyre heading. and whatever direction that may be, i hope they bring their heartschallenger ice cream truck!!!

heartsrevolution - ultraviolence (chateau marmont remix)

darling farah.

in the recent past, dubai has become known for a place of wealth and entrepreneurialism. and as far as i know, it's not really showcased any large volume of innovative music, until darling farah. now don't shoot me for posting more techno music, but i couldn't resist. one-trick pony blogs make me a bit worn anyway.

anyways, back to darling farah, he seems to be making quite a stir in music land. he's secured himself a spot on the idiot house roster and has a new ep dropping on beatport.

this first track is dark and wobbly. i'm a sucker for a british vocals so maybe that's why i like it so much.

darling farah - watching

the second one is the perfect example of a techno song that moves. you can hear layers of sound being added one by one until the melody kicks in and carries it into the next shift. and while there are alot of different types of sounds that may normally be distracting, the beat never lets you go.

darling farah - hair down

don't forget to snag the rest of his tracks over at the b to the e to the atport!

tonka + malente.

you already know that malente (pictured above) is one of my favorite german dj's and producers. but you probably don't know that tonka is one of my all time favorite german producers as well. when i started buying vinyl as a kid, i always loved his releases on force inc., one of the most cutting edge labels back then, and i also loved his tracks that stepped out a bit too far into handbag house territory, like 'security' or 'she knows you'. as opposed to random filter-house trash producers, tonka always managed to deliver a certain coolness and as i am drunk and always tend to be a bit over the top anyway, you might as well see him as kind of a german armand van helden.

this year, tonka dropped the anthem 'orca', a fidget house-influenced techno track on 'munich discotech volume 1' (which i discovered first of all people on grindin, just so you know!) on great stuff and also put out an all new ep named 'drop box ep' on germany's traditional imprint alphabet city.

and as great minds think alike, malente decided to give 'website' off the latest tonka release a re-edit and what can i say, as always he manages to make the tune even better. damn, these guys! but listen for yourself!

tonka - website (malente re-edit)

keep updated on both malente and tonka or you are seriously missing out on germany's finest! big ups to berlin battery once more!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

hostage + ac slater.

the nightshifters label is killing it! they continue to pump out massive track after massive track, including this new ac slater remix of hostage. it's a bit slower than we're used to for slater, but don't be fooled by the quiet intro because the bass is coming. i love the way you can hear him creep into the song and then just leave a gigantic bass imprint on your eardrum. i have reports from various spots around the world that this track kills on the dancefloor, too.

hostage - shake it (ac slater remix)

you can snag the rest of the ep here on beatport!

we are enfant terrible.

i often get swept up and blindsided by all the good dance music out there and forget about all the bands out there. out of sight, out of mind. thankfully every now and then a group like we are enfant terrible comes along to bring my ears back to reality and take me out of the monotony of producer djs. and the reason that i find this parisian trio so refreshing is because they aren't too indie or too rock or too electro-synthy. i feel like goldilocks.

we are enfant terrible - eagles don't sparkle

i had aleks listen to this second one and he said it reminded him of sonic youth. that's quite a tall order to fill and quite a name to live up to, but maybe the music world is ready for the next-big-thing.

we are enfant terrible - i can't help myself

we are enfant terrible are preparing to embark on a tour to china next month and then who knows. maybe we'll get to see them in the states soon!

la roux + chateau marmont.

la roux is back and she brought chateau marmont with her. no, not the famous hotel in hollywood where lindsay lohan used to late night party in, but the four man parisian group that are getting ready to release their latest ep on a sublabel of institubes. they must be becoming the hometown heroes because in addition to the ep release, they are also working on remixes for kitsune (this track and one for heartsrevolution) and modular (ladyhawke).

well they certainly show off their production talents in this track as they slow down the beat and give it a bit of a cosmic feel, all the while showcasing la roux's vocals like a diamond ring in a tiffany's display window.

la roux - quicksand (chateau marmont remix)

kayne west remixes.

no, that's not a typo. i purposely misspelled the name of the 'shutter-shaded' one. as aleks mentioned before, there have been a mysterious string of blogger posts disappearing without a trace. in conversing with other bloggers, it's happening all across the board without rhyme or reason. we're even more puzzled because a majority of the tracks in the removed posts have all been sent to us via labels, pr companies or the artists themselves! we know that 'kayne' posts are frequently targeted so this is our little experiment to see if changing the tags and file name will throw them off and help us escape their iron fists.

santiago & bushido step up to the plate to take their turn at remixing 'love lockdown'. they take those oh-so-trendy autotuned vocals and nestle them in to a housey beat making them sound like they belonged there all along. be careful how 'cool' you make him sound, guys, it might inflate his ego beyond repair.

k@nye we$t - love lockdown (santiago & bushido remix)

the next one comes from cousin cole who works out an amazing dub of the track full of filters and bouncy baselines. working closely with pocketknife this past year, and dubbing themselves 'flagrant fowl' the two have been creating quite a stir and a good number of amazing remixes where they seem to inject a bit of disco into the hip hop vein. i likes... a lot!

k@nye we$t - champion (cousin cole acid dub)

pacific! remixes.

you're familiar with the myth. an angel falls from heaven because of his love affair with a beautiful earth girl, well, change 'angel' to 'alien' and you have the storyline behind the pacific!. at least, that's the plot that accompanies my fantasies while listening to their new ep.

with so many talented bands coming out of sweden lately, we're never at a loss for international electro-pop. but don't be so quick to write off pacific! as just another catchy svens-pop outfit. their originality has already been recognized by producer luminaries breakbot and avalon (check our archives for this avalon remix).

it's no surprise then that the 70's feel of breakbot would join forces to remix pacific!. a definite 70's synth can be detected on the album, especially halfway into 'sunset blvd' where the keyboard synths sound like they might go straight into a breakdown of elo's 'evil woman' and the laid back surf space ballads like 'runway to elsewhere' make me feel a definite desire to strut along a beach, in a faraway galaxy of course.

if you missed out on the breakbot remix of 'hold me', don't worry, we've got it right here. plus, we scored a brand new mix from paris club mixer aysam. just a couple fab remixes that show france's unbridled endearment for swedish surf electro.

pacific! - hold me (breakbot remix)
pacific! - runway to elsewhere (aysam remix)

the album 'reveries' was released on half machine records back in august but look for a 12" remix of 'sunset blvd' coming soon. don't forget to add these european darlings on myspace and visit the pacific! website to buy tracks and download more remixes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

jack beats + steed lord.

although i haven't really been able to represent this on the blog, i have been a lot into fidget house this year, sucking up everything coming from the major uk players in this game. besides the established players such as the count and sinden or switch, a lot of new names came up on the scene, some of them not really worth hearing but of course there are some exceptions, such as foamo who has previously been featured on here - and of course, there are jack beats!

the london production duo consists of the award winning multiple dj champions beni g from mixologists and plus one from scratch perverts. they have constantly been dropping bangers this year, especially their remixes, including reworks for does it offend you, yeah?, boy 8-bit, and ac slater, have been in almost every cutting edge dj's mixes.

jack beats are the newest member of the cheap thrills, the label by hervé, along with sinden, fake blood and detboi. they are set to release their widely anticipated original material late 2008/early 2009.

to make the wait for their original release a bit easier for you, here is the latest jack beats remix for "it's what u do 2 me" by steed lord, a track taken from the upcoming album by the icelandic collective. as always, jack beats deliver a floor-filling house track with wobbly basslines, big basslines and chopped up vocals. tuuune!

steed lord - it's what u do 2 me (jack beats remix)

read more about 'truth serum', the upcoming steed lord album over at our friends from discobelle, show jack beats some myspace love and definitely watch out for more from them!

the golden filter + cut copy.

it won't come off as a surprise when i say that the golden filter are among my favorite new bands that emerged this year. obviously cut copy agree (great minds think alike), as they hit up my favorite super-secret band for an official remix of their new single 'far away'.

ignorant and always busy as i am, i have to admit that i have never heard the original but honestly, hearing the remix by the golden filter, i don't even see why i should change that now. pure glowing disco brilliance. enjoy it!

cut copy - far away (the golden filter remix)

the golden filter's anthemic 'solid gold' will be out on february 7th on dummy records, being the debut release for the offshoot label of dummy magazine. and to add some extra mystery, here is a new teaser video for 'solid gold'.

the golden filter - solid gold teaser video on youtube

if you love me, add the golden filter on myspace. seriously!

let's go to war.

let's go to war from toronto have been featured around here before, i hope all of you out there remember the amazing "the whole city's got a cold" because if you don't, you are seriously missing out. they have recently toured with m.i.a, opened for santogold and produced a track ('mmm papi') on the new britney spears album.

in order to make some noise for their debut album coming out on last gang records next year, the guys have put together a new double-sided mixtape (including lots of tracks previously featured on discodust) with rynecologist named "why can't we be friends?", one side of this year's hottest electro tracks featuring tons of edits as well as scratch interludes, and the other side filled up with some fresh hip hop jams. grab it right here, it's 'highly recommended' as we blog people like to say!

let's go to war - why can't we be friends? (electro side) on sharebee
let's go to war - why can't we be friends? (hip hop side) on sharebee

and as you know that i hardly want to leave you hanging without a track, here is let's go to war at their most energetic with 'burn down the disco' which is a sure shot to set the floor on fire!

let's go to war - burn down the disco

show let's go to war some myspace love! tracklists for both mixes after the jump!

read more!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


this/is are a new production duo from sydney and they've already got love and lots of plays from the likes of teenage bad girl, les petits pilous, the bloody beetroots and d.i.m.! so if that isn't enough already, it seems it's my turn to convince you of their greatness.

in fact, this/is are so good that i have bugged them numerous times to hand over their floorfiller 'w.h.s.l. (what happiness sounds like)' and now i finally succeeded! while i haven't been posting much on the more banging and driving side of things recently, mainly because i wasn't excited about anything, i wanted that track by this/is so bad because it's easily one of the best electro tracks i've heard in months! vaguely reminding me of the best days of dada life, 'w.h.s.l.' just seemed so much more energetic compared to everything i checked out recently, so there was no way i was not going to feature it on discodust! enjoy!

this/is - w.h.s.l. (what happiness sounds like)

besides this obvious winner, this/is also provided us with their banging remix for 'burn it out' by just a band which is going to be on the actual release and a minimix showing off their dj skills and passion for mixing.

just a band - burn it out (this/is remix)
this/is - minimix 101

show this/is some love on myspace and watch out for more from them, as i am sure they'll be huge in 2009!

Monday, December 08, 2008

felix cartal + evil nine.

discodust all time favorite felix cartal just hooked me up with one of his latest productions, an unofficial remix for 'they live!' by evil nine. and even though they've already got a new single out that was sitting right at the top over at junodownload last week, felix cartal's version will ensure that this track will stay on heavy rotation for quite a while. constantly exploring new ways of constructing bangers, vancouver's finest came up with an electro-house and banger hybrid this time, ensuring total annihilation on the floors!

evil nine - they live! (felix cartal remix)

we have been a bit out of touch recently but i am sure felix cartal has a lot more to come soon.

freak you.

freak you is a 26-year old producer from the french riviera who runs his own wine restaurant but more importantly for us, also writes some of the best music i have heard this entire year. my beloved co-editor philip gave me the hint to check freak you out and sent me his selfmade rip of 'torn over' and damn, i was nothing but stunned and blown away. 'torn over' sounds like floating in outer space, the end of the world as in the apocalypse and the (first) love of your life all at once. but hear for yourself!

freak you - torn over

serge gainsbourg, pink floyd, led zeppelin, boards of canada and vitalic are some of freak you's rather eclectic influences and when you listen closely, you can hear a bit of all of them in his work.

besides 'torn away', there is also freak you's latest masterpiece called 'from nowhere', maintaining a similar vibe as 'torn over' but all in all seeming a bit more eerie, further out of space. and as good artists always seem to find a way to each other, worship (who was just featured on discodust two weeks ago) made a great uplifting remix of 'from nowhere' that is of course up for grabs on here as well.

freak you - from nowhere
freak you - from nowhere (worship remix)

watch out for more from freak you, his releases on french label on the fruit and don't forget worship either!


pegase is the new solo project by raphaël d'hervez, known to (hopefully) all of you as the voice of valerie's very own minitel rose. while keeping the valerie collective's lovely, dreamy and melancholic vibe, the first bunch of pegase songs sound a lot more energetic, driving and catchy - innocent pop music at it's best.

listen to the greatness of the demos for 'without reasons' and 'spellbound girl' and you'll agree that as soon as these tracks get a proper mastering, they'll go straight from bedroom pop to stadium rockers.

pegase - without reasons (demo)
pegase - spellbound girl (demo)

i doubt i really have to tell regular discodust readers that they'll have to check out the valerie blog regularly and i am sure i won't have to ask you to show pegase some love on myspace as well.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

wildlife! + terry lynn.

wildlife! from switzerland is regarded as one of the producers of the moment by a lot of tastemakers around right now and just today he hooked us up with two fresh wildlife! mixes which both immediately made it into my list of favorite mixes of 2008.

while the 'wildlife! mix' sums up one of the freshest 'trends' in music 2008 by giving us 60 minutes of dancehall-flavoured electronic gems starting off with dubstep, moving on to tropical-electro-punk and ending up with digital dancehall and yardtek bangers, the 'wildlife! fundamentals' mix is a great compilation of wildlife!'s all time favourites, ranging from punk rock and reggae to rap and of course dancehall classics. it has been a long time since i was excited about mixes, so you better not miss this!

wildlife! - wildlife! mix (on sharebee) (view tracklist)
wildlife! - wildlife! fundamentals (on sharebee) (view tracklist)

and as if that wasn't great enough, wildlife! also sent over one of the tracks he produced for the amazing terry lynn album 'kingston logic 2.0' - check the album out here - released by phree music. this bomb of a track called 'streetlife' is worth getting the album alone, terry lynn and wildlife! are teaching everyone a lesson about freshness and taking it to the next level. play it loud!

terry lynn - streetlife (wildlife! mix)

show wildlife! some myspace love and don't sleep on terry lynn and phree music.

moulinex + sebastien tellier.

the best person that ever lived in both portugal and bavaria, moulinex, finally has some of his unique and untouchable goodness for us to share again! while it is pretty obvious that college would hit him up for a remix, he also scored an official remix for sebastien tellier. another proof that blogs are having some serious impact on the industry and also proving that you get what you deserve when you just work hard enough for it.

the moulinex version of 'kilometer' is hands down the best remix for that track out there, sticking close to the title of sebastien tellier's album and re-defining 'sexuality'. of course his rework of 'fantasy park' by college is just as great, so make sure you get both right now!

sebastien tellier - kilometer (moulinex remix)
college - fantasy park (moulinex remix)

go and add moulinex on myspace if you haven't already!

diamond cut + datostrom.

my favorite producer from down under, err, new york these days, diamond cut is back with some more of his 'how beautiful is that?' trademark sound and as i tend to be all oblivious, i'd say he is better than ever on this new remix for datostrom from denmark (pictured above). unfortunately the wonderful bec over at electrorash sweet talked diamond cut into hooking her up first this time but hell, i'll take that like a man. now get carried away, y'all!

datostrom - all i ever needed (diamond cut remix)
datostrom - all i ever needed (diamond cut instrumental)

so go and show diamond cut some love on myspace and also keep an eye on datostrom, as they've obviously got really good taste when it comes to remixers!

shazam + tta + vyle + x & hell.

UPDATE: the great guys at blogger deleted the original post containing these tracks. as they have all been sent to me by mail by the respective artists and labels, i am just putting it back up again.

while stumbling around in between overtime, delirium, not enough sleep, too much tiredness and more overtime i apparently let a lot of new shazam heat slip by. my favorite is his driving remix for 'neo violence' by the tough alliance but the two shazam produced joints 'possible' featuring vyle from chicago and 'my fkn hat' featuring x & hell from melbourne (pictured above) are very enjoyable as well and keeps me hoping for even more fresh french house-flavoured 'rave rap' jams next year!

the tough alliance - neo violence (shazam remix)
vyle - possible (produced by shazam)
x & hell - my fkn hat (produced by shazam)

show shazam some myspace love and you'd better watch out for more from vyle, x & hell and the tough alliance as well!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

anoraak remixes.

it's been a good year for anoraak. after getting a lot of features all over the blogs, he put out his first mini-album (buy it here) and now more and more well-known artists are hitting him up for remixes. his two latest remixes are for metronomy and junkie xl and are both flavoured with everything we love about anoraak.

as far as 'mad pursuit' by junkie xl goes, he even made two versions dubbed 'mad (night) pursuit' and 'mad (rad) pursuit', pick your favorite, i think the 'night' one is my pick but the 'rad' version has never been blogged before, so make sure to check it out too!

junkie xl - mad (night) pursuit (anoraak remix)
junkie xl - mad (rad) pursuit (anoraak remix)

'heartbreaker' by metronomy has been on the blogs so many times by now but in case you haven't heard anoraak's take on it yet, you definitely don't want to miss this.

metronomy - heartbreaker (anoraak remix)

show him some love on his anoraak remixes myspace!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


c.l.a.w.s. is a san francisco staple. he throws a party called "gentleman's techno" (perhaps a nod to the refined and beautiful side of the genre that people frequently overlook), composes some notable remixes and plays his music out live from time to time. the first time i ever saw him perform live, he had jillian from von iva powering the song with her vocals. i begged and begged him to let me post some of his stuff and he finally seceded. although this is not his main project anymore (he's currently one half of war vs. sleep) i couldn't let these songs go unnoticed.

this one starts off with a heartbeat and ends in silence but there's a whole lot that happens inbetween.

c.l.a.w.s. - canteloupe

every time i listen to this demo i find myself lost in the music. perhaps it's the spacey and almost lazer-like synth sounds that drag my mind to somewhere far away, but it's a nice little break from reality.

c.l.a.w.s. - radiance (demo)

his newest remix was worked up for fellow san franciscans, lemonade (well actually i think they recently transplanted to brooklyn). and while every song isn't intended to be banged out at the dancefloor primetime, this one works perfectly sandwiched on either side. maybe with those pitched down vocals and glitchy minimal sound it'd feel more at home in the early hours of the morning in some smokey underground club in berlin.

lemonade - real slime (c.l.a.w.s. remix)

drop the lime interview.

this week drop the lime got dropped in my interview hotseat. things have been developing exponentially for him so i had to snag a few minutes of his time to catch up. thankfully, nothing was off limits so we got to talk about his hair product usage, the correct way to eat spaghetti and we even got some 'reader' questions to throw at him.

so tell me about your trip from germany that you just got back from.

germany was crazy... the vice live tour with miss odd kid, purple crush and drums of death.

i've always wondered about your 'heavy bass champion' title. is that self-dubbed or did you really earn that title in a proper competition?

i credit that to mary anne hobbs. she said that to me one time and it stuck. according to tayo from cool n deadly at fabric, we had a competition the second time i played there. he had won the belt previously. when he came back to nyc i reclaimed it in my own city. therefore i'm the reigning heavy bass champion of new york.

dont you find it funny how small the music world is? who do you find yourself running into all the time?

switch. i run into sinden alot (here tonite). i have to say switch is a very common one, though.

a very entertaining one. everyone has a crazy switch story. what's yours?

(don't forget to check his mix after the jump)

read more!

bass weazal.

bass weazal haven't got too much coverage on the blogs yet, although they provide some of the best fidget house around right now. maybe their funny name and the lack of artwork (rather obvious above) is to blame or maybe it's also because everybody knows these guys can't be newcomers but won't reveal their identity and no one can stand 'mystery bands' any more these days. whatever it is, our friends over at funkism and palms out sounds already gave them some hype and i just can't let you miss those two cuts either.

first is an edit by norwegian producer aniki for bass weazal's tune 'kill the fox', dropping soon on wearhouse music and on top of that, the guys themselves did a really hot rerub of 'this is sick' by solid groove. straight fire!

bass weazal - kill the fox (aniki crazy fox hunt bootleg)
solid groove - this is sick (bass weazal rerub)

show bass weazal, aniki and the whole wearhouse music crew some love and stay tuned for the official release!

UPDATE: almost forgot to add this great remix to the post - luckily nyteowl sent me a reminder. his track 'bring back da funk' and the accompanying bass weazal remix already got props from jfk of mstrkrft, boy 8-bit and touché. the worldwide digital release is coming out january 16th on nytetraxx, will be available at all major digital stores and you can check it out right here!

nyteowl - bring back da funk (bass weazal remix)

little boots + treasure fingers.

how often have you read the names little boots, treasure fingers and designer drugs on here? yeah i know, countless times. but they just won't stop. pick their latest collaborations up right here:

little boots - meddle (treasure fingers remix)
treasure fingers - cross the dancefloor (designer drugs remix) via rcrd lbl

i am especially stunned how 'cross the dancefloor' still does not sound played out, especially in the bass-heavy designer drugs rework. enjoy!

drums of death + escort.

this much talked about new jam by drums of death just hit my inbox, apparently finally good to blog now. in 'dodfucksupanescorttune', drums of death, fucks up, well, an escort tune and it'd be an understatement to say this track is constantly moving towards a climax, as it is already hitting quite hard right away from the start. but check for yourself:

drums of death - dodfucksupanescorttune

after his great debut ep and countless stunning remixes, this should convince everyone out there that drums of death is one of the greatest talents discovered this year and i bet he'll be one of the most requested remixers next year. you can buy the tune over at civil music and see him live this saturday at 'gash!' at the macbeth in london, sharing a stage with graffiti island.