today we have a very special feature. considered one of the big bosses of the french sound, and responsible for inspiring a generation of people like me, alan braxe is a name we're proud to present.
i got the chance to ask alan a few questions, as if to get inside his head and understand what changed from stardust till now. well, to start, alan is a papa now. a father of two, he cannot stay up all at night slaving in the studio anymore. early morning carpool takes precedence! he takes great pride in his fatherly role, and learns to compromise. but like the moustache on a 70s pornstar, alan's studio is something he cannot live without. his broadly arranged setup is painted with oldschool hardware. knobs, keys, buttons and sliders from all the samplers, synthesizers and instruments are all inspiration to his production.
asked who he is keeping an eye out for, he singled out breakbot. does being french and looking like jesus have anything to do with it? just playing! as far as future plans for vulture, alan admitted that there hasn't been that many releases in the past. he noted that he is planning on releasing a lot more, from new artists, bands, and that of his own music. alan has also prepared for us a shiny 15 minute minimix named 'the vulture mash-up', which is a quick history lesson on vulture music.
alan braxe - the vulture mash-up
coupled with the minimix, is an upcoming vulture release by palermo disko machine. palermo is jens moelle, better known for his involvement in digitalism. as shiny and new this release may be, palermo disko machine is nothing brand spankin' new. they debuted on kitsune in 2006 and managed to keep quiet since! the 'theme from palermo disko machine' is what the common space traveler would listen to. covered in space dust, the ethereal sensation the metallic pads give off is nothing but otherworldly. i got my eyes peeled to see where jens will take this moniker!
palermo disko machine - theme of palermo disko machine
make sure to follow the hype! head over to the myspaces of vulture music, alan braxe, and palermo disko machine and don't forget to show some support -- cop the release on beatport here.