Monday, October 19, 2009

alan braxe + palermo disko machine.

today we have a very special feature. considered one of the big bosses of the french sound, and responsible for inspiring a generation of people like me, alan braxe is a name we're proud to present.

i got the chance to ask alan a few questions, as if to get inside his head and understand what changed from stardust till now. well, to start, alan is a papa now. a father of two, he cannot stay up all at night slaving in the studio anymore. early morning carpool takes precedence! he takes great pride in his fatherly role, and learns to compromise. but like the moustache on a 70s pornstar, alan's studio is something he cannot live without. his broadly arranged setup is painted with oldschool hardware. knobs, keys, buttons and sliders from all the samplers, synthesizers and instruments are all inspiration to his production.

asked who he is keeping an eye out for, he singled out breakbot. does being french and looking like jesus have anything to do with it? just playing! as far as future plans for vulture, alan admitted that there hasn't been that many releases in the past. he noted that he is planning on releasing a lot more, from new artists, bands, and that of his own music. alan has also prepared for us a shiny 15 minute minimix named 'the vulture mash-up', which is a quick history lesson on vulture music.

alan braxe - the vulture mash-up

coupled with the minimix, is an upcoming vulture release by palermo disko machine. palermo is jens moelle, better known for his involvement in digitalism. as shiny and new this release may be, palermo disko machine is nothing brand spankin' new. they debuted on kitsune in 2006 and managed to keep quiet since! the 'theme from palermo disko machine' is what the common space traveler would listen to. covered in space dust, the ethereal sensation the metallic pads give off is nothing but otherworldly. i got my eyes peeled to see where jens will take this moniker!

palermo disko machine - theme of palermo disko machine

make sure to follow the hype! head over to the myspaces of vulture music, alan braxe, and palermo disko machine and don't forget to show some support -- cop the release on beatport here.

yeah yeah yeahs + a-trak.

there are tracks that get so many hype in advance that basically there's no introduction needed at all. the a-trak remix of 'heads will roll' by yeah yeah yeahs is one of them. in early october, annie mac played the banging remix on her radio show and ever since requests have been popping up everywhere on forums all over and radio rips have been floating around to as a substitute for the real thing.

while the remix is getting an official release, it's our lucky day as we've just got word from the man himself that everyone involved decided to have this spread on the blogs. and from what i can see it's not up anywhere else yet, so enjoy the full mastered version one of the year's best and most anticipated remixes as another first on discodust! (sometimes my sleeping disorders have their advantages, whoo!)

yeah yeah yeahs - heads will roll (a-trak remix)

and in case you're up for a different take on the track, our friend willy joy from chicago hooked us up with his steaming hot 'sex dream dub' which is more on the deep technoid side of things with some pretty driving drum programming. definitely worth checking as well!

yeah yeah yeahs - heads will roll (willy joy sex dream dub)

spread it like wildfire and show a-trak, his label fool's gold, willy joy and of course the yeah yeah yeahs some love!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


after appreciating little boots and la roux for months, it is finally time for the original blog pop queen to take over again: annie is finally going to release her album "don't stop" which has constantly been pushed back and reworked and redone and what not. and if this new track "i don't like your band" taken from the album is any indicator, it might just be the album we were dying to hear!

annie - i don't like your band

the new annie album "don't stop" is dropping november 17th on smalltown supersound. and hey annie, my offer from back then still stands - and don't go all "it's not you, it's your tunes" on me! much love to the unstoppable pitchfork for this!

florence and the machine + the xx.

the xx give us their take on florence and the machine's already super good cover of candi staton's legendary 'you got the love'. this remix might not be one of those totally replacing the original, since the original is just too catchy itself, but it's dangerously close. maybe it's even better, you decide!

florence and the machine - you got the love (the xx remix)

the xx and florence and the machine are both touring europe at the moment. while you are showing them some love by adding them on myspace you might as well check the dates and show even more love by visiting their shows near you!

EDIT (aleks): we're aware that this remix has nearly been blogged to death but it's just too good to make anyone miss out on it. and the file is at 320 kbps, as opposed to what you'll find in most other places.

french fries.

with rapid advancements in technology across the board, little kids are showing up the big kids beating them at their own game. i first noticed this phenomenon when i saw little 8-year-old kids doing skateboarding tricks and beating guys three times their own age in the x-games. i figured that they studied skate videos for hours and just thought these tricks were normal.

seems as though the same pattern is happening with music production. french fries just turned seventeen and is already churning out some major contenders. legend has it that he started fiddling around with production tools at the tender age of seven. it may sound like a stretch, but his dad is a major producer so he grew up playing on sound boards instead of making mud pies.

this is one of the few remixes of a bloody beetroots song that bears almost no resemblance to the motoring, crunchy sound of the bouncy italians. who would have thought i'd like french fries and beetroots together?

the bloody beetroots - theolonius (french fries remix)

if this original track is any indication of things to come from french fries, i can't wait to see what a little time and experience is going to turn him into.

french fries - coconut

his ep is slated to be released through young gunz entertainment (aptly named). until that happens, you can go grab his track 'rebola' on itunes.

momma's boy.

this kitty's been busy busy busy. much to my surprise, he has relocated to berlin. i wonder if being in the epicenter of techno music is going to have an effect on either of his music making alter egos? he hasn't been taken over by the deep dark side of techno yet as he's still got a bit of tropical feel left in this track which features his brother, bloss hill.

momma's boy featuring bloss hill - wapomathics

momma's boy has been spotted frequently in the close vicinity of brodinski and even made the cut of remixes for noob & brodinski's megahyped 'peanuts club' track out now on turbo recordings. i wouldn't be shocked if they released a collaboration in the near future.

noob & brodinski - peanuts club (momma's boy remix)

of course you can always stay up to date with his travels, photos and new tracks at his zebrapop blog.


it's finally time. los angeles has incubated a handful of producers for the past few years and they're pecking thru their shells and makin' noise for everyone to love. paparazzi has been a staple la promoter who has also managed to dodge all the party-throwing politics along the way to now throw one of the most consistently packed weekly parties in the entire city.

he draws an average of 2000 kids to his all-ages monster simply named 'dance' where he regularly features big named djs. it's a place where locals like acid girls, classixx and harvard bass can try out new tracks on a proper soundsystem to a proper crowd and also where visitors like le castle vania, ac slater and a-trak can come and have a great show in a gigantic venue.

not one to be left behind, the next step for him is producing. he mixed up this track for crystal fighters. stay tuned for some original material as well and you can catch his future podcasts with more new music on itunes here.

crystal fighters - i love london (paparazzi remix)

he has also concocted a mixtape featuring cali done right. he even wrangled lil jon to do his intro.

paparazzi - paparazzi does cali mixtape (on zshare)
paparazzi - paparazzi does cali mixtape (on megaupload)

find the tracklist after the jump!

read more!

Monday, October 12, 2009


after thousands of track submissions via e-mail, myspace and what not, i think i developed a certain ability of being able to tell if something could be any good just by the artist and track names and the overall appearance. so when i got 'gold in the fire' by monarchy in the mail today and checked their myspace, i already had a feeling i am going to post this. only good people can come up with a name like 'monarchy', fact.

as everyone obviously seems to believe that music bloggers love themselves some mystery and detective work, i was hardly given any information, so if i can trust their profile and artwork, monarchy is a duo from london. more importantly, their sound is carefully crafted electro-pop along the lines of junior boys or the golden filter and the singing sounds sensitive and heartfelt to me, definitely catchy as hell and the use of falsetto and vocoders make it perfect! out of all the mysterious debut songs in the past months, this is by far my favorite!

monarchy - gold in the fire (demo)

whatever monarchy are doing next, we will keep you posted!


another discodust favorite that we haven't heard from in a while just hit us up today as well and we are more than glad to see them back: jupiter! the duo from paris comes with a brandnew disco funk jam in their bag, a cover version of the classic r&b and disco track 'mama used to say' by junior. and i bet a whole lot of you readers will be rocking out to this at home, jumping around on their beds and playing air guitar! not? well, maybe it's just me then! you guys are boring! enjoy another premiere on discodust!

jupiter - mama used to say

also, as i missed out to announce the release of jupiter's first ep 'starlighter' last month, let's do this now. it's available on limited vinyl (click here for more info) and digitally (head over to junodownload). being a big fan of all his work, i immediately fell in love with the wonderful remix by steve moore and luckily was allowed to share it with you as well!

jupiter - starlighter (steve moore remix)

glad to see that another act we love and heavily supported on the blog has released their first record and is doing great. watch out for more sweet things to come from jupiter.

ali love.

dabbing into multiple genres and projects, ali love is definitely a versatile singer. 2007 was a career milestone for ali, as he supplied the eccentric (and a bit uncredited) vocals for the chemical brothers single 'do it again'.

back yard recordings will be handling the release of ali love's new single 'diminishing returns' - a track animated with the spirit of the eighties by an airy, large, and enjoyable production caked with excellent vocal work. the song already received lots of love on the blogs and twitter, so we're finally jumping in!

ali love - diminishing returns (extended version)
ali love - diminishing returns video (on youtube)

make sure to stop by ali love's myspace!

diamond cut remixes.

i haven't been paying attention for what felt like a little while and when i woke up again, discodust favorite diamond cut has finished three new remixes, what a true powerhouse! this time around, the blessed ones are binary's frontline-funkateer lexicondon and sydney bands amy meredith (pictured above) and cassette kids.

he mainly sticks to his trademark synth-heavy sound, making amy meredith sound like the killers and adding some more vintage disco vibe to lexicondon's track. but especially the cassette kids remix seems to be heavily influenced by classic house and techno, coming with korg piano chords and a synth line that heavily reminds me of 'people are still having sex' by latour - old school flavour!

amy meredith - pornstar (diamond cut remix)
cassette kids - freaky sweetie (diamond cut remix)
lexicondon - heart attack (diamond cut remix)

as always, diamond cut also hooked us up with dub and instrumental versions where the original might have become too vocal-heavy for some.

amy meredith - pornstar (diamond cut dub)
cassette kids - freaky sweetie (diamond cut instrumental)

while downloading, why not become friends with diamond cut, amy meredith, cassette kids and lexicondon on myspace?

erik hassle + penguin prison + plugs.

erik hassle is an up and coming singer from sweden who is about to support little boots on her uk tour from next week on. i didn't really find the time to check out his originals as i've been stuck listening to two great remixes for his singles "don't bring flowers" and 'hurtful'. while neon gold's latest discovery penguin prison brings us a laidback playful funky jam reminiscent of chromeo, plugs deliver an uptempo melodic banger in best 'blog house' tradition with vocal chops that remind me of nightcrawlers. lovely tracks!

erik hassle - hurtful (penguin prison remix)
erik hassle - don't bring flowers (plugs remix)

head over to the erik hassle myspace page to check out what else he is up to, show him some love and don't forget plugs and penguin prison (more on him soon) either.

Friday, October 09, 2009

private + lifelike.

i still can't believe private have been kept private from me all this time. the danish trio equals songwriter/singer/producer thomas troelsen, guitarist asger tarpgaard, and vocalist tanja simonsen.

'my secret lover' was released back in '07 off of universal denmark, and without delay climbed to the very peak of the danish charts. this jam may be a bit old, but to me, it's still rockin' like the flintstones. thomas subtley samples the stabs of "she can't love you" by chemise, to produce one of the catchiest sounding hooks i have honestly ever heard. my repeat button was made for this tune!

the previously unreleased lifelike remix seemed to be missing on the internet until i commissioned old man aleks to track it down. next thing i know, i have a full copy of it sitting in my inbox, cleared to share with you alls today. plugging in keyboards one at a time, lifelike flawlessly reshapes the listener-friendly original into a faster-paced dance floor must, in an oh-so dashingly french manner. the beat jogs to a syrupy bassline accompanied by the usual collection of his earmarked analog sounds.

private - my secret lover (lifelike remix)

watch out because this tune will hook you like tyson. you've been warned! make sure to show passionate love to private and lifelike for this great joint effort!

NOTE: all previous versions of this track floating around the interwebs have been set rips.

miami horror.

irresistible electro-fueled indie-pop ensemble miami horror give us 'sometimes' - a teaser off their upcoming album 'illumination', which is due early 2010. this is a mighty taste test which leaves my mouth watering for more. as if a track wasn't enough, offered with the mp3 is a day-dreamy music video sure to enrich the listening experience.

miami horror - sometimes
miami horror - sometimes video (on vimeo)

the infectious daft punk-esque atmosphere in the track works well with the vocals, which are always on par. give it a listen, and don't forget to follow the hype on their myspace.

UPDATE (aleks): just updated the downloadable track and it is now a much more pleasant 320 kbps mp3. re-start your leech engines!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

clock opera.

london-based band clock opera only really had one track out in the wild for a couple of weeks, played a handful of gigs and have already secured a deal for a single with pure groove and received rave reviews for both their studio work and live shows from the guardian, dazed as well as from our good friends at dummy and neon gold, always reliable sources for the next big things.

guy connelly, the main man behind clock opera, told dummy he has always been 'interested in chopping things up, mainly electronics and just combining song writing with weird noises', calling his sound 'chop pop' and that's exactly what it's like. imagine the field being locked in a studio with arcade fire and you'd probably get a less awesome version of what he is up to. good luck we're having the actual clock opera here right with us and can once again show off with a premiere on discodust: here's the b-side to the upcoming single going by the name of 'alouette'.

clock opera - alouette

for a better understanding of the clock opera sound, you really need to check out the track that surfaced a bit earlier as well though - 'once and for all' has been on repeat on my system several times throughout the past weeks and is definitely high up there among my favorite songs of the year.

clock opera - once and for all

hold out for the very limited seven-inch single coming up on pure groove november 16th and expect to hear the a-side on here as we get closer to the release. and in case you are in london tonight, go see clock opera live at hoxton bar & kitchen!


while some big questions have just recently been answered (gucci vump being brodinski and guillaume of the shoes), new ones just keep popping up. i know nothing about these tracks except that they're on brodi's new chart and can find no information on r.i.v.e.r.

it was passed to me by sound pellegrino big boss teki latex with no more information than "this is my friend's song, you wanna blog it?" and with his recent track record of secrets and jokes (half fake unattainable charts and misleading press releases) i have half a brain to think this is someone's secret side project. well, it's good and it technically doesn't matter who made it as long as i get more of it!

r.i.v.e.r. - fairycide
r.i.v.e.r. - l.o.a.d.

head over to the r.i.v.e.r. myspace and watch him making some serious moves soon!

silver columns + joe hot chip.

not exactly sure what we are dealing with here, as this track came to me without any vital information, there is no myspace page and several search engines only lead me to other clueless bloggers.

the only thing i know for sure is that we are talking about a band named silver columns and joe goddard from hot chip is on the controls for this remix and pairs the bronski beat style vocals with a stomping uptempo hi-nrg disco sound and detuned chip sounds - as scott from the beloved pinglewood puts it 'this song sounds like jimmy somerville playing mario kart'. so i take it we have just found this years' 'stuck on repeat' (FULL DISCLOSURE: as travis from bigstereo already mentioned to me in a twitter direct message). let the hype begin!

silver columns - brow beaten (joe goddard remix)

as much as i would love to point you to a place where you could show silver columns some love, i couldn't find one, so use our very own comments to express your loving feelings.

malente + riton + primary 1.

i am sure all of you have heard "who's there?" from riton and primary 1 by now which has been tearing up dancefloors in either it's original form or remixed by in flagranti, style of eye or l-vis 1990. still, my favorite version was the remix by malente though which did not make it on the final release for some reason.

so after hearing it on one of his recent mixtapes and some mailing back and forth with both malente and the people in charge at phantasy sound, we managed to de-ice this sweet version, right on time before it went lost in the perpetual ice of unheard remixes. malente's take on "who's there?" is percussion-heavy and brings some classic techno flavour to the table, perfectly up my alley!

riton & primary 1 - who's there (malente remix)

head over to the malente myspace and make sure to check out his new release, put out by our friends from fool's gold.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

binary + keenhouse.

discodust being one of the main spots for the whole 'dreamwave' sound, i recently noticed that so far we have really missed out on properly featuring the ones that really coined this term and have been representing the sound constantly since over a year - about time for us to show binary some serious love. originating from los angeles, the binary family is a group of like-minded artists involving nightwaves, keenhouse, alfa, fabian, lexicondon, short circuit and the kids are radioactive - all names that fans of the genre have definitely seen around before.

after the initial phase of gathering the artists together they have been throwing events with fellow dreamers the twelves, anoraak, college, miami horror and bag raiders, being among the first to bring them to the states.

built on this solid foundation and backed up by a lot of noise on the blogs, binary are now about to release their label compilation 'binary presents la lights' which features the entire family, thus making it a perfect showcase of their sound. hot off the press, we have got a wonderful new track by keenhouse along with a remix by discodust favorite grum, enjoy another premiere on discodust!

keenhouse - ari-es
keenhouse - ari-es (grum remix)
keenhouse - ari-es (hemingway's starlight yacht remix)

the binary compilation 'binary presents la lights' gets an official release next week and will be available on all major digital download stores. we will have a follow-up post around that time, for the time being you can listen to the compilation here and sign up for the release party on the 13th, at the echoplex in la.

UPDATE: by overwhelming popular demand and mainly just because it's really good, i just added the remix by hemingway to the post as well which was promised to someone else by the time i prepared my write-up. kudos to tuftsmania.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

ellie goulding.

you already know by now that the wonderful ellie goulding and her producer starsmith are among our absolute favorites and it's finally happening, her proper debut single is coming out, released by our friends from neon gold. 'under the sheets' is just the kind of pop gem that everyone expects from these two, once more showing off the winning formula of ellie's lovely vocals and the next-level pop production by starsmith. i can already tell now that this is going to be one of my most played songs for the fall season.

ellie goulding - under the sheets

the single release is dropping on november 9th and can be pre-ordered via puregroove and the neon gold shop right now. remixes are coming from jakwob, baby monster and theophilus london. don't sleep!


marchand is french for 'merchant', or dutch for maarten hoogstraten. maarten (who is also half of bingo players) created the alias to vent some french-electro sounding frustration on the dancefloor. throw lifelike in blender with alan braxe, you get marchand.

'supernova' sweeps off with the usual palette of sounds in the french-electro suitcase, but uniquely builds into spacey waves of sound you can almost see, incorporating a sample you should all be familiar with. on the flip, and also in the same musical key, is 'starlove'. a funky, late night, moog-equipped remedy. a bit on the softer side, but just as enjoyable.

marchand - supernova
marchand - starlove

if you like what you hear, the release just dropped via us two music, show some friendly support on junodownload and myspace.