hail social continue to get remixes by some of the best out there. the most recent remix for their track was done by the mysterious diamond cut and is my favorite so far. in our first post about them back then some people claimed diamond cut are not actually girls but why would anyone lie to me? but you know, i am the kind of guy who still believes fake blood is a guy called sang because that's what he told me. anyway, watch out for the breakdown in the diamond cut remix and get carried away by those lovely synthesizers with a vintage disco/french house vibe:
hail social - no paradise (diamond cut rebuff)
and if you haven't picked it up elsewhere yet, also definitely worth hearing is the remix by adeyhawke who takes you on another wonderful dreamy journey:
hail social - no paradise (adeyhawke remix)
show diamond cut, adeyhawke and hail social some myspace love!
hey, it does sound like smashing neon lights!
whoop! loves the hail social. all hail hail social!
loving the diamond cut mix
more adeyhawke pleaseeeeeeeee
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