excuses for the lack of posts from my side recently, there's way too much going on right now, in both rather good and really really bad ways, so i need even more off-time than usual. found some time to check a few random mails from my inbox and check my favorite blogs and came across two tracks you definitely should not miss.
so the track that got me back from premature hibernation comes from my friends over at
get weird turn pro (who have recently been ditched from
the hype machine for, i don't know, being too awesome or something) once again and seems to be one more 'secret side project from someone famous', going by the name of 'dope fiend'. i didn't even find a myspace profile and according to the get-weirdos, everyone has been strongly discouraged to call out any names.
but what are names anyway, this track, which is called 'dope fiend' as well, is a highly energetic (and addictive, duh) piece of banging electro-rock with semi-rap style vocals dealing with getting high and being on drugs, just what you're up to all the time. and for some reason it reminds me of the days when we first heard all this new exciting music on the blogs. enough, 'dope fiend' is one of those party smashing tracks that will definitely kill it in the clubs and hell, even in the streets! (and i can't believe this is posted like almost nowhere yet.)
dope fiend - dope fiendand on top, here is a yet unheard
metronomy (pictured above) remix for 'move' by
css which is still my favorite song from their album but as i never really got along with
metronomy too well and i was hoping for someone to add even more catchyness to the original, i can't really tell if it's any good. but i know a lot of you are suckers for everything by these guys and no one else is getting it done, so here you go. and as all the anonymous commenters on here always prove, like half of you don't agree with my opinions anyway! (but attention, while i am writing this and it keeps playing on repeat, i might be getting into it!)
css - move (metronomy remix)show them some love and well, as every night, i hope i'll be back to normal soon!
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