one needs only a simple glance at relish recordings label boss headman (pictured above with erol alkan) to realize that he is a man of impeccable taste. not only does he look like he stepped out of 'the great gatsby', he is quite the music historian and can hold his own with any other disco aficionado.
it's about time that the late 70's make an electronic comeback. long lost in the depths of 'where are they now?', the talking heads-esque, synth-punk ingenues, the units have been resurrected thanks to headman and rory phillips of now sadly defunct club durrr fame. amongst all the synths and reverb, he lets the song shine thru while still leaving his super smooth headman thumbprint on it.
the units - high pressure days (headman rework)
headman spruced up the invisible's track a bit. everything sounds better with synthy bleeps, bloops and cowbells, right?
the invisible - ok (headman remix)
headman took the greek hiras' track and filtered out a bit of the noise to make it a more mellow, focused experience.
hiras - dirty tricks (headman 1/2 mix remix)
don't miss the 12" release of the units on relish recordings with another remix by the always spot on rory phillips (who did an ace interview with the band here)
great artist, tiga's really feelin' him too
rad. the Units - High Pressure Days (Headman Remix) is well worth a listen and download. nice sound...something very listenable.
Really love the Units remix. Sounds similar to the classic 'Informatics - Proximity Switch' track.
baby, baby, baby, oh baby...
aleks, baby, of course!
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