mansion is making me feel all nostalgic. this track feels like it should have come out in early may and have been the summer jam. when i'm listening to it in september, it should be bringing back crazy memories of beaches and road trips and days in the park. instead it just makes me remember that we haven't posted on these two in a while and it's about damn time.
they're back and doing what they do best: updating some house music. and if i remember correctly, this was one of the first tracks that we ever heard from them but they weren't going to release it to blogs because it had a bigger destiny. well, the time is now and it's ready to shine on spg records.
mansion - gasaida
make sure you buy the fresh and shiny 320 kbps version over at beatport.
i like it. just a good ol' house tune :)
I LOOOOOOOOOVE house music. this is awesome!!
this is the ish...
cool shades huh...
Gah! You guys always find the BEST stuff. xoxo.
what he said ^
I was never a big fan of male vocals but this ones special =) thanks for sharing
Absolutely.. I thought i am only the one who admires.
nice job deleting the comments from those that don't like this track!!
who needs room for disagreements -- cause you know, opinions dont matter -- if its on DiscoDust it MUST be good.
cedric rox my sox. mansion big up da house! this track live sets it on fire.
I like this track but I agree that deleting a negative comment is pretty bogus.
let me tell you: you really didn't miss anything substantial.
aleks i dunno what happened to you haven't seen you in weeks. I just wanted to thank you for hearing my cries and spread my message. Good things are in the making.
thanks and peace.
Good Day.. Just passing by.. no update yet?
hhhmm.. an expensive shade you mean?
just heard this on BBC radio 1 amazing!!!
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