paper bag records is releasing a compilation of remixes of sally shapiro songs today, going by the name of 'remix romance vol. 1'. it features ten reworks from everyone who matters in the whole space disco/retro italo scene these days like lindstrom, junior boys and tensnake as well as a remix by next-level post-rockers holy fuck.
thanks to the kindness of johan agebjörn, the producer of sally shapiro, we can offer you the lindstrom remix of 'time to let go' in all it's 320 kbps glory. i hope you are in for an eleven minutes space disco epic ride. i am definitely in love with it. time to get going:
sally shapiro - time to let go (lindstrom remix)
also coming up from sally shapiro is a double twelve-inch titled 'he keeps me alive' featuring six tracks in total, original tracks as well as remixes from discodust favorite cfcf and the juan maclean, besides others. again, you can check a track out in advance, here's the title track:
sally shapiro - he keeps me alive (radio mix)
'he keeps me alive' will be available on vinyl worldwide from permanent vacation and will be released on may 2nd. 'remix romance vol. 1' is only available on cd in north america, so you have to order it from paper bag records directly if you are outside the us & canada. but it's available on itunes worldwide.
show sally shapiro and johan agebjörn some myspace love and watch out for 'remix romance vol. 2' coming up in mid-june!
I must say I like the Junior Boys remix better than the Lindstrom one. Although for me as a fellow Swede it really annoys me that she has quite a swedish pronunciation.
kjell kriminell: i can't really decide what's my favorite remix on the ep. they're all pretty much great. (and this is the one that was good to blog, i personally like the tensnake one better too.)
by the way: this is not actually promoe reading my blog, is it?
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