from a 'hip hop' point of view, berlin-based rappers and producers frauenarzt (german for 'gynecologist') and manny marc are definitely among 'the realest' in germany. originating from a street gang background ('berlin crime'), they started their own independent rap label 'bassboxxx' in 1998 and in those ten years, they self-released nearly 30 releases on tapes and cds, a lot of them were banned because of explicit lyrics.
while their sound back then was mainly miami bass and 80s electro, their new project atzen musik ('atze' is german for 'friend, homie, buddy, mate' all combined in one word) is all about something they call 'techno-rap' and their first single is coming out on kontor which is probably germany's most successful commercial house label, going strong with nearly 700 releases since it was found in 1997. 'florida lady' also features alexander marcus on the hook, a techno-producer gone pop singer, who successfully combines german 'schlager' with electro, calling it 'electrolore'.
kontor hooked us up with two remixes of 'florida lady', done by motopark, a new project by members of sono who were one of the first ordering a remix from digitalism for their track 'a new cage' more than 3 years ago. motopark turn the original track into a hybrid of rave and fidget house which should get the crowd moving. enjoy both the vocal and dub remixes in 320 kbps right here:
atzen musik - florida lady (motopark remix)
atzen musik - florida lady (motopark dub mix)
and for the really brave and tough motherfuckers among you, i've also got an original track by atzen musik right here. enter at your own risk, this will teleport you right to the beaches of mallorca, crowded by drunken germans on ecstasy. and as a real last warning: atzen musik have supported scooter on their recent gigs. here we go with 'es gibt kein bier auf hawaii' (german for 'there is no beer on hawaii'). cheers!
atzen musik - es gibt kein bier auf hawaii
and if you still can't get enough, here is the video for 'florida lady':
atzen musik featuring alexander marcus - florida lady (video on youtube)
and while i am almost sure that this will get a lot of hater-comments, i bet most of you would shout along if you just had enough to drink! show atzen musik and motopark some myspace love!
hahahaaaaahaha i like this
wir-sind-eure-feunde und ihr-seid-nie-mehr-allein!
yeah, alta, atze maaaannn geilez block hier - yüahhhh!
is hüar wünsch dir wat? dann hätt ick gern den janzen kontorbackkataloug und besonders boogie pimps, atb, master blaster, disco boyz, tiesto oder vinylskakerz.
yüaah. wir fahrn nach malle mitm maaantaaa - und springen ins meer. da gibt es frauen im taaangaaa - die lieb ick so sehr... und 1-2-3-4!
Ganz großes Kino, ganz ganz groß! Danke! Wirklich!
great to see a german rap act on this blog! i really love the remixes!
i love it!
german techno at its best!
Wenn man superviel gesoffen hat, dann ist es wirklich gut...
just cant take it being sober...
52 tequila-shots, aber schnell bitte!!!
aber darum gehts doch eigentlich immer nur. superviel saufen!
everybody does it but it's not they did it well.
just to mention the original theme sampled or reworked or whatever..
the remixes are better than the atzen musik thing.
great blog!
fancy is the man!
Hahaha I used to listen to this when I was 17 :)))
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