rising french house label us two music have a whole lot of quality releases from up and coming french house producers including productions and remixes from discodust favorites russ chimes, the outrunners and lifelike.
basically i already intended to do a more detailed feature on us two music some time soon but this remix for geyster (pictured above) by lifelike is just too fucking good to keep it back for much longer now. in fact this has already been more or less held back for about two years, as the us two music release is a re-release but i have never heard or seen it anywhere else before. and as it is already circulating around the blogs now anyway, i feel like no matter how old, i should post it now and sweeten your weekend!
geyster - under the fuse of love (lifelike remix)
and here's the original track as well, which is definitely a decent track but well, you know what it's like, as soon as lifelike shows up on the scene, competition's tough.
geyster - under the fuse of love
watch out for more lovely french house and disco vibes this weekend as we've got a lot more to come! show us two music some myspace love for getting this great release together and check the major digital music stores for their back catalogue! more detailed feature coming soon. pinky swear! much love to our friends over at funkism for unearthing this gem!
Outrunners, Russ Chimes and Lifelike are the best in remixing!!
nice one man. the copy i've got is labeled Lifelike & Kris Menace but now that i check, discogs confirms you're right.
i've got a boatload of early Lifelike remixes. maybe you have some hidden gems too... wanna trade?
Lifelike is very nice! fucking nice track but i have this rmx on vinyl its much older
have this as well but oh so good
lifelike at its best... thx for sharing!
Interesting... such an old track now! And it's good but not one of the best of his earlier remixes. His NuMatic remix is pretty kicking. Also his early EP with The Cult. THE CULT!!! God that's a brilliant track. And the thing he did with Precious Little Diamond!!!
I mean he is rocking HARD now. Harder than ever. I love everything he rolls with. And the Geyster thing is kicking too. I just think it's not one of his stand-outs.
woww check out that russ chimes remix at the us two music myspace! anyone who already has it?
nice add
possible to add "the cult" too???
greetz from Germany
The Geyster's are simply the best. I got their two albums and i can tell y'all - AMAZING""""!!!!
It's been a month I listen to it all day long (on Deezer), and you finally uploaded it ! THAT'S JUST MARVELOUS ! Thanks a lot.
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